Highly Questionable Rumor

2 October 2005
Hello All,

I am in the market for an NSX. My wife just called me today as I am looking around trying to find a car in my area and she tells me that a co-worker came into work this morning and told her that the NSX will not meet emissions and safety standards for 2006. I proceded to explain to her that that is not possible and that would mean that thousands of owners would be out alot of money on a car. She said that her co-worker stated "they (current owners) would have to do major modificiations to get it to meet the emissions & safety standards of 06". Is there any validity to this (if so please make reference to were info may be found) or is this just a bunch of hub-bub? Thanks for your input.

To clear things up, there will not be an 06 NSX.
So, no NSX will have to meet 2006 standards.
The test is based on the year of the car.
My 94 will not meet 2004 standards and so on.......
Does that clear things up?
(What am I doing here, got to pack the car, leaving for NSXPO in 1 hr) :eek:
/\/\ TY very much for your input...and have fun and get great pics...wish I was going.

That is what I was trying to explain to her.
I am looking for support so she can read the opinions and facts from current owners.
I thought that emission testing standards were based on the emissions limits for the year of manufacture. So that means your 1991 would have to pass emssions standards for the year of 1991 and so on... just like MCM said your 1991 may not meet the standards for 2006. Well at least in Ontario, Canada that is.
Note I am saying that what was told to my wife by her co-worker is not correct and does not have any logic. I am just trying to make my point to her by getting her to read current owners thoughts and factual knowledge on the subject. If she does not come to realize what was told to her is bogus...it could make the difference in my ownership of a NSX. ;(
Said another way, Honda has 'retired' the NSX, and the 2005 model is the last year. One of the reasons Honda cites is that a significant, costly re-engineering would have been necessary for a new 2006 model NSX to meet federal safety and emissions standards for 2006 models.

It is a wild inaccuracy to suggest that the owners of 1991-2005 NSXs will have to park their cars beginning next year... :cool: The wife's co-worker is misinformed.
Though I'd add this, I'm sure its been posted somewhere on the board before bu I can't find it? This is from the Honda World News Site & Corporate Honda NSX recieved LEV Certification

" The NSX made its debut in 1990 as a genuine mid-engine sports car with an all-aluminum monocoque body—a world’s first for a production vehicle at the time. The NSX continued to evolve, with performance improvements including increased displacement, a 6-speed manual transmission, enhanced aerodynamic performance, and different tire sizes, along with the addition of the NSX Type-T open-top model and the NSX Type-R pure sports model with further enhanced driving performance. One of the first true sports cars to adopt clean emissions measures, the NSX succeeded in combining exhilarating driving performance with superior environmental performance... "

" 2000 - NSX receives a Low Emissions Vehicle (LEV) certification from the Air Resources Board, a testament to Acura's innovation and industry-leading technology. "

I should also note most Auto Magazines noted that retooling is needed to meet the more stringent 2006 emissions requirements for the U.S., Europe, and Asia, but the NSX is already discontinued in 2005.
the nsxnut said:
Said another way, Honda has 'retired' the NSX, and the 2005 model is the last year. One of the reasons Honda cites is that a significant, costly re-engineering would have been necessary for a new 2006 model NSX to meet federal safety and emissions standards for 2006 models.

It is a wild inaccuracy to suggest that the owners of 1991-2005 NSXs will have to park their cars beginning next year... :cool: The wife's co-worker is misinformed.

Ah--that is what I believe that my wifes co-worker read and simply misunderstood what was being said and then relayed it to her in a misinformative manner.

I tried to explain it to her, but sometimes what I know is not what she believes. Haha. :biggrin:
Well unless you own all 2006 vehicles, you can question why it is that you never had to get your current cars updated to current standards if that were the case.

It doesnt sound like a battle of logic (it never is with women) :smile: , I would suggest a different approach to keep her open minded about things. A bouquet of flowers and nice dinner (not spent talking about if you can get the car) can do wonders.
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Or simply tell her that if this is true, that every single car built before 2006 will not be able to be on the road. Obviously this is not going to happen.
Next thing you know, her co-worker will be telling her that you don’t fit government standards for a spouse next year. Time for her to trade up to him … or her ???? :)
your wife is like my mom... These kind of things was always in my family few years ago.

Only recently she kind of believed that her husband and son knows 10 times more than her friends anything in Automotive Combined.... Yeah, it's frustrating. Took her 30+ years to figure out... :rolleyes:
heathbar0 said:
Tell your wife that YOUR co-worker told you that all late model wives will not meet 2006 standards, and you will be test driving a few new women this evening.

Now thats funny!! :biggrin: :biggrin:
For those of you who offered valid and positive feedback thank you...my wife now has a better understanding of how emissions testing works.

As for the rest of you, I am just trying to figure out when this thread became a lets bash my wife for not being car savvy. She is an intelligent women who works in the safety division of a Fortune 500 company and I do not appreciate you guys bagging on my wife due to her lack of knowledge of cars or the laws governing them. My point in this was not for those of you who choose to act with less class, to poke at her or me. My point was because my wife like most wives after some time begin to question what their husbands say because they are not a professional. I was looking for factual information and positive feedback from this group in regards to the matter. I expected better than this from a group who claims to be better and have more class. Was I sadly mistaken--most of you have proven to be as juvenile as the kids on 7thgencivic.com. How do you think she felt when she read about you making fun of her on a website...yes she read this stuff...that was the point...to get the facts for her to read so she was not just hearing it from me. What a bunch of a$$holes...and yes I just stooped to your level.
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Frankieb1977 said:
For those of you who offered valid and positive feedback thank you...my wife now has a better understanding of how emissions testing works. .

She (or you), could have gotten that answer from a dealer, or Honda/Acura North America, but I am sure your gratitude is appreciated by those who answered.

Frankieb1977 said:
As for the rest of you, I am just trying to figure out when this thread became a lets bash my wife for not being car savy. She is an intelligent women who works in the safety division of a Fortune 500 company and I do not appreciate you guys bagging on my wife due to her lack of knowledge of cars or the laws governing them.

This thread was not a let's bash your wife thread, but the question was so beyond logic (especially for someone who is as intelligent as you claim), that it naturally led to some smartass answers. BTW, intelligence is not based on how much info you have in your head, but rather your ability to take the info you have and logically apply it to your situation. So, in my opinion, your wife might whip my ass on Jeopardy, but could also spend 3 hours trying to open a jar of peanut butter. :biggrin:

Frankieb1977 said:
My point was because my wife like most wives after some time begin to question what their husbands say because they are not a professional

Maybe in your house, but my word is unquestioned in my dominion :biggrin:

Frankieb1977 said:
I expected better than this from a group who claims to be better and have more class.

I never claimed to be better or have more class (and who would it be we were claiming to be so superior to, BTW)?

Frankieb1977 said:
Was I sadly mistaken--most of you have proven to be as juvenile as the kids on 7thgencivic.com. How do you think she felt when she read about you making fun of her on a website...yes she read this stuff...that was the point...to get the facts for her to read so she was not just hearing it from me. What a bunch of a$$holes...and yes I just stooped to your level.

Yes, you were (mistaken), Yes, we are (Juvenile and Assholes both I guess), and thanks for coming down to our level, as it is so hard for us Juvenile Assholes to ascend to yours :biggrin:

In all seriousness, you seem way too uptight and if you and your wife are so wound up that you can not take a little ribbing, you might not fit in well with this group (not that you might not love the NSX, just not love some of the people on NSXprime), since the more frequent posters among us like to have a little fun, joke around, and realize we all have a limited amount of time on this rock. Use your intelligence (or borrow your wife's) to figure out that we do not know you or her, so our opinions and jokes could not have too much truth to them.

SEACREST............................OUT! :biggrin:
I was not expecting her to get flamed...or myself for the matter. You guys in other posts seem to be more respectful when it comes to answering questions regardless of the simplicity of the question…and seemingly far more so than say on Houston-imports.com or other sites of similar nature. I am knowledgeable when it comes to cars and things of the such, my wife is not. I have spent the past 14 years of my life playing with cars, building cars, modifying cars, racing cars, dreaming about cars to be built, studying cars and having a general knowledge about cars…my wife has not…and nor does she care to.

You want to make a crack at me go right a head, but not at my wife.

To see my wife get her feelings hurt because she felt like she had been made a public joke of on the internet by a bunch of people who don't know her...that got to me. And who did she blame…me! This was supposed be an educational thread for her benefit. Not for your amusement to make fun of her.

And I am not even going to play the semantics game with you on intelligence.
Frankieb1977 said:
I was not expecting her to get flamed...or myself for the matter. You guys in other posts seem to be more respectful when it comes to answering questions regardless of the simplicity of the question…and seemingly far more so than say on Houston-imports.com or other sites of similar nature. I am knowledgeable when it comes to cars and things of the such, my wife is not. I have spent the past 14 years of my life playing with cars, building cars, modifying cars, racing cars, dreaming about cars to be built, studying cars and having a general knowledge about cars…my wife has not…and nor does she care to.

You want to make a crack at me go right a head, but not at my wife.

To see my wife get her feelings hurt because she felt like she had been made a public joke of on the internet by a bunch of people who don't know her...that got to me. And who did she blame…me! This was supposed be an educational thread for her benefit. Not for your amusement to make fun of her.

And I am not even going to play the semantics game with you on intelligence.

Again, loosen up a little. Your wife is a little too sensitive to let some strangers hiding behind a keyboard affect her this way. I will say though I stand by my OPINION that a logical person would not come to the conclusion she had about the cars being required to retrofit to stay on the road (or if it was the co-worker who explained it that way, she should not be so gullible). I have never done drugs before and do not normally advocate it, but I think you guys might want to invest in a bong. Too uptight man :tongue: