HID light pattern question (Autolamps 6000k kit)

4 May 2003
Hello all,

I just installed one one side of my HID kit last night. I would first of all like to mention the Autolamps kit install1 is very straight forward and comes out EXTREMELY clean.

I do have a question regarding the color pattern. There is some variation in color from the center of the pattern (more whitish) to a blueish/violet tinge on the outside of the beam pattern. Very much like a prism effect. Is this normal? It seems the stock halogen bulb does this as well but much less pronounced. Just want to make sure the fit of my bulb is optically correct.

Thanks in advance.
Sounds like the bulb is not located in the proper position within the reflector.

I have the 4100K autolamps kit. Its great and the beam pattern is fine.

Yours is much higher on the K scale and contains more violet light. Some cars I see on the road have lights that look very violet/blue from the side and more white straight on. I wonder if that is the nature of the 6000K and higher bulbs?
not sure, but I will install the second side tomorrow and see if that one looks the same. Now if it doesn't I hope Autolamps takes care of the issue. My worry actually isn't whether they take care of me (I am sure they will) but the work I have to redo! NSX kit takes much more work to put in than my Supra did....

The 6000's I installed have that slight purple/blue prism look only as I am passing people. I notice it on the sides of their car. Everything out in front of my car looks brilliant white. On the sides, the violet tint is only on the upper edge where the cutoff is.

hope this helps.

one other adjustment I had to make was the driver side beam was angled severely across the vehicle and past the passenger side beam. The horizontal adjustment located on the bottom side of the light housing fixed this. It was a little tough to find. I never saw is under my normal garage lighting. After adjusting under normal daylight, I noticed the little metal gears similar to the ones mounted on the top of the lights straight from the light housing and the fender.
Bilulan said:
The 6000's I installed have that slight purple/blue prism look only as I am passing people. I notice it on the sides of their car. Everything out in front of my car looks brilliant white. On the sides, the violet tint is only on the upper edge where the cutoff is.


This is excellent, and is exactly what I am experiencing as well! Thank you. I PMed someone else who has the same kit and said my kit is functioning as it should. Looks like this purple effect is normal...very much like a horizon of purple :) Looks cool, but just wanted to make sure it is normal. The true test is going to be when I install the second side and hopefully looks the same. I waited on installing the second side because the purple ceramic on one of the bulbs cracked (right in the center) while in transit....Janet Beaven at Autolamps-online said the lamp will function normally and is ok to install...so tonight I should have both of them in. Shes being pretty cool because she is going to send me the $100 UPS is paying them for the damage...I will consider this somewhat of a discount, and its fine with me if the light works :)

Will keep you posted, and once everything is set to go I will post pictures of the light pattern for everyones pleasure and curiousity.

Ok...I finished installing the second side last night, and as Autolamps said, the bulb works even though the ceramic is cracked (in two places I might ad). In addition the purple horizon of color appears to be normal as both bulbs do it. I think the headlights on the NSX act as a prism to cause this, which I must say looks really cool!

The only issue I have now is that one side seems brighter right in the heart of the light pattern. I will adjust the lights tonight and see if that is the issue (I hope). If not, the only thing I can think of is that one of the bulbs isnt sitting properly in the housing. I would hate to redo all that work, I just want to plug it in and be done with it.
i thought that one of mine was brighter than the other, but after adjusting the horizontal on the driver side to shine straighter, it fixed that dilemma. After the initial install the driver's side crossed over the passenger's side beam and left a brighter spot out in front (more on the passenger area.)

The real challenge that I've been driving my wife crazy with is to test drive them.

The last thing I wanted my X to be was like one of those cars you see coming at you with the lights bouncing, changing color (white/purple/blue), and just generally cheap looking. Make sure and have someone either drive out front of you and comment on what they see (and drive on a bumpy road or shift real jerky) and maybe try purposefully hitting those lane reflectors. OR, let someone drive your car and look back to verify that the lights are staying constant.

I have found that if you see to much play in the light output visible to drivers out front of you, the lights are probably aimed too high. Also, make sure the 2 rubber stops in the back of the assembly meet up with the moving part of the light housing. These stops should be adjusted with the lights in the down position. I've found a good test for this is to place a small piece of paper/paper towel/even a leaf over the stoppers when the lights are off, then turn the lights on and see if whatever you placed there is firmly gripped between the housing and the rubber stops.

Hopefully I communicated this well, if not PM and I'll try to explain further.
All the blue/purple light you are getting has to do with the temperature of the bulbs. I was very unhappy with the look of my SOS kit lights. I was looking for white bright lights like my 2000 RL and I got purple lights as in 7000K HID lights. I just ordered a set of 4100K bulbs to replace them from some other company because I guess Chris from SOS decided not to bother to send me replacement bulbs - he never answer my last emails asking for help in replacing these (I'll never buy anything again from him for sure just because of this).

My advice to anyone thinking of HID lights for their NSX: forget the cool purple look of 6000K and 7000K and stick with the 4100K that most if not all factory HID sets use. It's pure white incredibly powerful clean light. Anything else looks phony, cheap, it's less efficient and it will probably get you in trouble with the authorities who are monitoring this kind of thing.

Just my 2¢ of course and everyone is welcome to disagree.