Hi to everyone

23 December 2007
Toledo, Ohio
As you can tell i am a newbie. I am considering the NSX as one of choices for a car that i want to buy.

What do i need to know about the cars; i.e.: are they hard to work on, expensive to have work done, what are normal wear and tear items on the car, and what are some of the big things that fail on them???

I thank you in advance for any information you can share, thank you
Welcome. Use the Wiki (in the red bar toward the top right of the window a few inches to right of the Support NSX Prime! link). Everything you want to know is in there. The car had a 15 yr production run so everything has been asked & answered before. If there is something you can't find in there, do a search within either the new/prospective owners forum or owner discussion forum ("search this forum" right above where the replies & views are listed at top right corner of list of threads in a forum). You can spend hours just reading & learning.

Yes, it costs more to maintain than a Civic, but less than a Ferrari.
In my view you should buy the Lotus only if:

- you want an extremely nimple, car with race car like handling and,
- you don't need to be comfortable and,
- you are willing and able to deal with frequent maintenance

The NSX does not require frequent maintenance but when it does it is expensive. Wear and tear is primarily tires, especially rear tires. The NSX has superior reliability, workmanship, comfort, and very high (if not ultimate) performance levels.
thank you and its hard to decide what to buy i'm between an NSX or a lotus elise/exige and it's a tuff choice there all around the same price

OOooo the lotus.

nice car. always wanted one.

i think the lotus is less practical. I never owned one (but will) and from what i have seen on friends cars, there is very little praticality to the lotus even less than the nsx.

Elise/exige its heck of a car tho!

i would test drive all 3 before making a purchase.
Practical shmactical! The Lotus is a very cool car and if I can get at least one grocery bag in it then it's practical enough for me. It's like a street legal go cart.:biggrin:
ok i am offically obsessed with this car now, it seems so perfect for what i want to do.

I am looking for a auto-x car, a nice cruise/show car, once in awhile go to the track car and a car that stands out.

It seems like i am hooked there is enought room to make trips to woodward dream cruise and the handleing so i can visit mid-ohio once or twice, and the local auto-x events.

Few questions that are eluding me:
How hard is it to change the oil / due the regular maintance yourself, do you have to pull the motor for some maintance?

And what are the snap rings recall i don't under stand that
Chaning oil is so simple.

Jack up left rear passenger side, take of rear wheel and there it is.

Oil filter. The oil plug is a big deeper in, but from there you should be able to see it---provided that you bend down low enough or jack up the car high enough.

Changing the oil on the X is easier then on other cars in my opinion.