Hi, Prospective NSX owner (possibly)

25 December 2005
Hey guys, I am interested in buying a sportscar that I can tune/upgrade/etc (not rice). I'm pretty knowledgeable about cars, so I'm looking at vehicles with a lot of potential (ex. Supra, 350z, etc.). Skyline is kind of out of my reach with MotoRex being axed and RB Motoring being a pain in the ass in responding to e-mails and what not. Anyways, I came across the NSX. IMO, it is a great looking car stock as well as a great performer, with the potential to be even greater depending on how much money one is willing to put in to it. This brings me to my main inquiry about the NSXs engine(s) (the 3.0L and the 3.2L units). How far can you go with the engine? I've read articles about the NSX having a lot of engine potential where some people have gotten it to about 400hp N/A. However, other argue that the NSX is limited by its relatively small engigne bay, so a lot of tuners look to add superchargers rather than deal with turbochargers and worry about the placement of the intercooler. I've also read about the FX 500 system that improves the performance to supercar status. Anyways, I would like to see what you guys have to say about your experiences with the NSX. To be honest, i'm leaning towards the NSX more than the others because I find it to be unique, a good looker, and a good performer. Not to mention, the exhaust note sounds cool. :biggrin:

- I. Chime
It has potential but nothing is cheap. The thing I like best about it is that it is a great car straight out of the box. I/H/E and a supercharger would make it a real street predator for about $14k.

I'm more of a twisty road man so I can live with the stock acceleration but if you are a straight line guy, you will need to do some mods.