Hi Guys I am new....help me out!

22 March 2001
Irvine, CA, USA
Hi ppl,
I think I am the first girl in the forum...not sure.....my boyfriend has a NSX and I started to like it too...so I have been talking with him about mods and stuff....Think he is getting some rims soon so I hope you guys can help me out in the future.....
I also want to comment something.....I don't like the way girls are portrayed in the topic by 8000rpm....we have standards so don't degrade us....we like cars too so plz be nice.
Well - you could probably help your own image by spelling your own handle right!
I assume that your handle is a typo (cuitepie).

I think we have a lot of people from Irvine on this board. I also know quite a few UCI students who have NSX's - I have to wonder what their parents were thinking...
Dangit, why dont cute single women come here to pick up on guys?
If they do show up they're always spoken for.
You know, if I was a girl and looking for a date, I'd go to an NSX Forum or a Ferrari or Lamborghini Forum and try to pick up guys. They've got to be a gold mine for rich single guys.

Too bad I'm not a girl.
Well, being a UCI student with a 95 Nsx, I am slightly offended by the previous remark
. I paid for my own damn car, I work as a software developer for a fairly new hvac solution provider, and get compensated well. But let me tell you, many girls in college are materialistic, and I don't regret buying my car one bit!

But with respect to the handle, you should fix it

95 T bl/bl @ 35K
BTW, is your BF's name Jack? He's the only other student I know who has an NSX, and I believe we are the only 2 at this moment.


95 T bl/bl @ 35K
Edo, remember, if you get any 16 to 18 yr olds, theyre mine!
help! quick...i asked this girl last night to jr prom..got shot down by her telling me: your an hr too late, just got "hooked up" with this guy an hour ago.

with that said, can I borrow someone's NSX for a few days? I'm hoping the NSX can get me the girl I need.

Help! I need someone by next wed. bids are due friday the 30.
Not to say that students can't purchase their own vehicles. Some can. Of course, that gets easier when the parents pay for schooling, housing, and you're a part of their insurance policy, etc. You end up with 100% disposable income!

I should spend time trying to get adopted by the right parents and not work so much.

Just as a note: This message is not intended for anyone in particular on or off this board.