Hey, France! Who's your daddy?

I agree...great win for the Lance and the US.

But is somewhat ironic that his sponser is the US Postal Service. They need to look at his accomplishments and bust their butts to get us our mail on time!
It's not just the win... not just the fact that it's his THIRD win... but it's the story of his whole life that's so amazing. If they had come out with a movie ten years ago portraying this, no one would believe that it could ever happen to anyone in real life. He should be an inspiration to all of us, that adversity can be overcome.
not too many people understand just how difficult the tour really is. the fact that lance won last year, but SI selected the US womens soccer team as sportsmen of the year demonstrates this.

lance is simply amazing. about the frogs, why should they be surprised an american has done so well in "their" sport? not the first time an american has kicked ass on their soil (LeMond) and dont even get me started about the WW's. Lance has certainly trumped LeMonds significant accomplishments.
The Tour is amazing. I cannot imagine competing in something like that. However, I find it off-putting when the officials make exceptions to the rules as happened again this year when a big group did not make the time cut on one stage.
If you really want to get under skin remind them where the grapes are from now that make there wine....
If you really want to get under skin remind them where the grapes are from now that make there wine....

...or tell them that, in the crash of the Concorde, the French managed to kill more Germans than they did in all of World War II.
say, that WAS cold! ;>)

a neat story about lance on this tour:

about 10 days before the tour starts, i'm out on my morning lap on my bike when i come across a woman in cycling garb, nice bike, having a really frustrating time changing her tire. i stopped to help and in talking with her find out that she's a devout fan of lance - even has this website: http://www.lancearmstrongfanclub.com

she tells me she's heading off to france soon to follow/support lance/posties in their ride. last week i run into her at the farmer's market and the short version is she was invited into the team coach w/lance/posties and when lance had finished stage 6, he gave her his winning number off his jersey. you can read her comments at the website above, "tour notes", bottom right hand column.

Ummmmmmm, what the hell is everybody talking about? What tour? Who's Lance? Frogs? Soccer? Whew, I'm lost!

Forgive me for potentially being the moron of the 'up to speed with current events' group.

Todd Arnold


[This message has been edited by Nsxotic (edited 10 August 2001).]
Lance Armstrong is an American cyclist who almost lost his life to testicular cancer a few years ago. He's come back and recently won his third straight Tour de France, the annual bicycling marathon in France. "Frog" is a derogatory term for Frenchman.
Also, don't forget that Lance was shot by a hunting partner with a shotgun and he has almost 100 pellets in him.

Lance Armstrong is the best example of someone who has the determination to succeed no matter what!
AH, leave it to Ken to slap me with the straight 'dope' and Rob to backhand me with the rest. Thanks guys.

I guess it's a good thing the hunting partner didn't skin him, hang him from his porch and freeze him for later. .. He probably would've had a tough time coming back from that one, eh?

Todd Arnold

Originally posted by Dr.Lane:
Also, don't forget that Lance was shot by a hunting partner with a shotgun and he has almost 100 pellets in him.....

I dont know if you are kidding or not, but if you are serious I think you are confusing him with Greg LeMond.
Originally posted by justin hall:
I dont know if you are kidding or not, but if you are serious I think you are confusing him with Greg LeMond.

You may be right! I knew one of them was shot and took a guess.

I used to follow the Tour de France when Benard Hinault was the guy to beat! It has changed so much in the past decade with too much controversy that I have not followed it as much.