Hewlett Packard has an answer to everything!

Actually, i've had someone at work ask me what the 'any' key was - she was not kidding.

At the risk of sounding too "geeky", the reason the shift/control keys don't work is because they are classed as "control keys". You have to strike them in combination with another key for them to function.

Other control keys include ALT, the Windows key, the Windows menu key, PrintScreen, Scroll-lock, Pause and Numlock.

For the die-hard-geeks who are reading this trying to second-guess me ... F1-F12 and the Home/End/Insert keys are NOT "control keys" ... they are functional keys. You can test this by opening a command prompt, and typing "pause" .. then try those keys.

With that explained, i must return to my nerd-cage. :p