
7 June 2002
In The Middle
Just came from watching this Movie. Though audio mixing was awesome, and the filming above average, I am kind of dissapointed. I really want to see a different kind of action.
My brother the Martial arts nut, drug me out to the see this.
Too much like Crouching Tiger.... for me. I can understand the artistry and all, but this flying through trees, summoning of wind, and walking on water stuff is getting ridiculous. When will that stop?

Most chinese action movie is like that. Most of Jet Li movies in the past from Hong Kong/ China is similar to Hero.
So, is this movie like crouching tiger, or is it like Jet Li's Chinese movies?

I'm a die hard fan of crouching tiger, but I hate Jet Li's Chinese movies
cmhs75 said:
So, is this movie like crouching tiger, or is it like Jet Li's Chinese movies?

I'm a die hard fan of crouching tiger, but I hate Jet Li's Chinese movies

I would have to say Crouching Tiger. Keep in mind that I have only seen the movies that have come to the states, for example: Kiss of death.
cmhs75 said:
So, is this movie like crouching tiger, or is it like Jet Li's Chinese movies?

I'm a die hard fan of crouching tiger, but I hate Jet Li's Chinese movies

Have you haven't seen fists of legend? Its one of Jet Li's chinese movies and it is bada$$ :D
92NSX said:
I am a fan of Jet Li but not Crouching Tiger so I think I'll skip this one.
Thanks for the tip.

92 , Don't get me wrong, there are some parts of the movie that are very good. I wouldn't use my assessment as critics review. I would love to watch this movie in my home system. The sound was great. You may like it. Hopefully someone else that has seen many of his movies will give a better comparo than I can.
len3.8 said:
92 , Don't get me wrong, there are some parts of the movie that are very good. I wouldn't use my assessment as critics review. I would love to watch this movie in my home system. The sound was great. You may like it. Hopefully someone else that has seen many of his movies will give a better comparo than I can.

You can watch it at home, this movie was released 2 years ago and is widely available on DVD. It's not really a typical Jet Li movie, he just plays one of the actors. The movie has great visuals and an okay story line, but it is a little slow.
sabashioyaki said:
You can watch it at home, this movie was released 2 years ago and is widely available on DVD. It's not really a typical Jet Li movie, he just plays one of the actors. The movie has great visuals and an okay story line, but it is a little slow.

Really, I am going to kick my brothers ace. ;)
Well, actually it was cheaper to see it at the movies.
Unless the DVD is less than $6.
I agree it was a little slow.
len3.8 said:
Really, I am going to kick my brothers ace. ;)
Well, actually it was cheaper to see it at the movies.
Unless the DVD is less than $6.
I agree it was a little slow.


Actually you can watch it for free. I find out yesterday my cousin have it. I will get it from him sometime this week. :)
Hero is a cinematic masturbation. The flow of the story is plagued with multitudes of photographic gimmicks. After about 30 minutes of that torture, I had to leave the seat. Crouching Tiger is much superior. In fact, in Hero I saw a lot of plagiarism of Crouching Tiger.
Don't waste your money. I'd rather watch Spider-man 2 again.
For me, I liked the movie. Yeah, I'm not down with the floating, walking on water stuff, but the visuals and story were interesting to me. I think you have to allow yourself to accept the story they are telling along with the stories of the characters involved.

And Jet Li's best movie is by far, Fists of Legend. A must watch for anyone.
never watched it in Theater, I watched it more than a year ago with my VHS :) grainy copy...

One thing I liked the movie is that (like Matrix using Green background), they used different color in different chapters. I'm not crazy about it, but I thought it's real cool.

So, is this movie like crouching tiger, or is it like Jet Li's Chinese movies?
I really don't like this argument, since I was growing up in Hong Kong and watching movies and novels all my life. Kung Fu people flying around and jump 5 stories high, walk on the water, using a sword to slice a waterdrop... you named it, it's been there for many many years. Crouching Tiger is the first Mainstream movie make it to Hollywood, and all Americans go ar and oh about those people flying... Go turn on an asian channel for last ten years, go ahead and count how many peoples flying then you get my feeling about Crouching tiger...

Example: A cage man sees a hummer made it to his cage, and he (after someone assure him this animal won't bite his head off) actually sit in it, and the civilian took him to the city... He sees all kinds of cars on the road then said, "This is getting old, how come all these animals had 4 wheels??"
NSXDreamer2 said:
never watched it in Theater, I watched it more than a year ago with my VHS :) grainy copy...

One thing I liked the movie is that (like Matrix using Green background), they used different color in different chapters. I'm not crazy about it, but I thought it's real cool.

I really don't like this argument, since I was growing up in Hong Kong and watching movies and novels all my life. Kung Fu people flying around and jump 5 stories high, walk on the water, using a sword to slice a waterdrop... you named it, it's been there for many many years. Crouching Tiger is the first Mainstream movie make it to Hollywood, and all Americans go ar and oh about those people flying... Go turn on an asian channel for last ten years, go ahead and count how many peoples flying then you get my feeling about Crouching tiger...

Example: A cage man sees a hummer made it to his cage, and he (after someone assure him this animal won't bite his head off) actually sit in it, and the civilian took him to the city... He sees all kinds of cars on the road then said, "This is getting old, how come all these animals had 4 wheels??"

Uuhm, It wasn't an argument, it was a reference film.
I have not seen the movies that you have grown up seeing, so the Crouching Tiger reference was the only one I new of.
If you like Jacky Chan you should watch Twins Effect 2 movie. His son is also starring in the movie Sam Chan. I watch that movie for a different reason actress Gillian Chung (very cute) form Twins groupy hence the name of the movie. Also wait for Police Story return starring Jacky Chan again.
You guys only just got hero? I saw that a year ago on dvd! Finally advantages of living in asia. It was beautifully shot but like crouching tiger i just didn't feel it was gripping. I like 'stormriders' & 'a man called hero' much better!

My brother the Martial arts nut, drug me out to the see this

Well if he drugged you, no wonder you didnt enjoy it! Tell him to watch the thai flick 'Ong bak' known as 'mach!' in japan. Story line is average but the fighting is stunning. Performed by a former stuntman no wires!

New movie being advertised is the 'the lovers' more crouching hero tomfoolery its nice also!
Yeah, I have to say I am dissapointed by alot of the stuff coming out lately. I am a hardcore fan of the older HK movies (Bullet in the head, Hard boiled, Killer, City Hunter, Once Upon a time in China, to name a few. The only decent thing I have seen recently is Shao (Shoa not sure of spelling) lin Soccer, but thats not really a martial arts movie.
ajnsx said:
Well if he drugged you, no wonder you didnt enjoy it! Tell him to watch the thai flick 'Ong bak' known as 'mach!' in japan. Story line is average but the fighting is stunning. Performed by a former stuntman no wires!

New movie being advertised is the 'the lovers' more crouching hero tomfoolery its nice also!

I am sure he has already seen it, and most likely has it in his library. Read martial arts nut.
have seen recently is Shao (Shoa not sure of spelling) lin Soccer, but thats not really a martial arts movie

Shaolin soccer was great, that title is almost three years old. I saw that towards the end of 2002. Evidently miramax bought the rights and sat on it for ages. It's a funny film. As you said i like the older films so much more. Although the anime 'innocence: ghost in the shell part 2' and 'Casshern' look cool!
donwon said:
Yeah, I have to say I am dissapointed by alot of the stuff coming out lately. I am a hardcore fan of the older HK movies (Bullet in the head, Hard boiled, Killer, City Hunter, Once Upon a time in China, to name a few. The only decent thing I have seen recently is Shao (Shoa not sure of spelling) lin Soccer, but thats not really a martial arts movie.

This is the direct effect of lax enforcement of anti-piracy laws. There is simply no money to be made in HK movies anymore. Nobody pays $10 to go see a movie when they can buy an excellent copy on the street for $3. I remember when the quality of HK movies would equal and sometimes surpass those of Hollywood. The best actors, directors, choreographers, and script writers have either quit or work in different countries now. What comes out of HK now is almost laughable. Korea, Thailand, and Taiwan are where it's at now.
I have to agree with the guys on "Fists of Legend". It's a crazy martial arts movie (actually, the Wachowski brothers saw it and that's why they wanted Yu Peng to do the fight choreography in "the Matrix"). I especially love the first fight scene in the school when Jet Li doesn't need to kill or break limbs of his numerous opponents - he simply pops their joints out of their sockets! Crazy! :D Where do i sign up for that kung-fu class? :p
NeoNSX said:
I have to agree with the guys on "Fists of Legend". It's a crazy martial arts movie (actually, the Wachowski brothers saw it and that's why they wanted Yu Peng to do the fight choreography in "the Matrix"). I especially love the first fight scene in the school when Jet Li doesn't need to kill or break limbs of his numerous opponents - he simply pops their joints out of their sockets! Crazy! :D Where do i sign up for that kung-fu class? :p

the scene with him fighting the japanese uncle outside is *awesome*. You definitely see the influences of this movie on The Matrix. the end fight with the larger military guy is pretty darn good too, and with his martial arts class mate, tien anh/ang (sp?), and...aw, the movie is just kickass.