Here's Ultimate Car for our wives!!

28 December 2001
Berwyn, PA
Ultimate Station Wagon!!! My wife would love it!!

I assume thats not a photoshop job? Is this OEM Bentley or some other company doing an add on?

The was a company in the 90's taking BMW 5 series and changing them into Wagons before BMW did it.
Unfortunately or fortunately, it is not photoshopped. I don't think that it's OEM.. :D
oh man.. all I do is repost :o :D
I must be on Forums Nazi's black list..
Hey Tiger....wait til' my wife meets you, she is going to hate that generalization :D She hates wagons, as a matter of fact she wants your car!!! She's been dying for a purple NSX, she was upset it wasn't at the Glen.

Wait a second......................what the heck happened to your name????????

Oops.. I wonder how our wives will get along.. my wife LOVES her Audi station wagon ;)

There are several purple ones in NE region. You and your wife will have a plenty of chance to see them in person. It's strange that I only get compliments about the color from female enthusiasts...:rolleyes:

I used to have BMW 740 before, but it's gone now... hence, the new ID!

jadkar said:
Hey Tiger....wait til' my wife meets you, she is going to hate that generalization :D She hates wagons, as a matter of fact she wants your car!!! She's been dying for a purple NSX, she was upset it wasn't at the Glen.

Wait a second......................what the heck happened to your name????????
Looks like a great funeral car to but Sadams dead ass in when we finally find him and kill em!!!!!!:eek:
TigerNSX said:
It's strange that I only get compliments about the color from female enthusiasts...

I've never seen a midnight pearl in person, but from the pics I've seen on Prime I love it. Take this as the first compliment from me! (and to underscore the significance of this...I'm male :) )

Getting back on topic, what surprises me most about this car is the price. This is one in a series of cars coming to market with outrageous sticker prices. It makes me wonder where all the money is coming from to buy these things?