Help with Purchase of NSX

6 October 2005
Hi Primers,

I posted this thread here because it seems like the prospective thread is kind of slow. I am looking into an out of state car. Can someone guide me with the steps I should approach things: (Correct me if I am wrong)

1. Check Car Fax
2. Check Acura Records
3. (Here is where I am confused) When I send the car to Acura in his/her state, what do I actually ask the dealer to do besides the compression test and leak test? (Please chime in and tell me the cost it would run for each procedure, and weather the owners or the seller should pay for this)
4. Fly over and eye the car. Do the Prime Checklist.
5. Call for a carrier and ship back to california.

I know I'm missing many things. All help is appreciated.
You have many things covered already. Good research.
What Yr and mileage car are you looking at?
i'm in the same boat... i've asked the seller a ton of questions, talked to the dealer that sold him the car (a prime member), and am looking to go check it out. i do not think i will have it sent to a dealer since he bought it from an acura dealer in may... the dealer said it was a great car and that the owner took real good care of it... seems now it is negotiating and then buying a one way ticket!!!

good luck... and i'd suggest that the older the car the more research you do! the one i'm looking at is in snap ring range, but the owner had it fixed...

anyone seen larrynsx's red 92?

orbusrex said:
anyone seen larrynsx's red 92?
I'm so glad to hear that you're already looking at prospective NSXs... are you considering RED now?? I think that would be your best bet! :biggrin:

back-cracker: Sounds like you've got the procedure down. Just follow your list and you'll do great!
Wow, I didn't know I covered all the bases already. CAn someone tell me how much the compression/leak test will run, and how the leak test actually works?

How long will this test take?
erin, don't hate, but i'm looking at larrynsx's 92 red... guess i liked the red top and kit real well! already set up nice... and i kind of like the uniqueness of the faux wood interior. not trying to be a copy cat, just looks like a good deal (if you have a chance, check it out and let me know what you think)

and the wife is okay with it because of the kit and rims!!
back-cracker said:
Wow, I didn't know I covered all the bases already. CAn someone tell me how much the compression/leak test will run, and how the leak test actually works?

How long will this test take?
I would just email Chris @ SoS ([email protected]) and he can give you a quote on time and money - at least you'll know an approximate cost.

orbusrex: I looked at larrynsx's pictures, the car looks great (A LOT like mine)! :biggrin: :biggrin:
I'm glad the wife liked my car enough (that's what I tell myself) to allow for a red w/ the WW kit! Nice wheels too and the faux wood is definitely unique!