Help with auto to manual conversion.

You may want to explain why this is of particular interest to you.As we have said many times in the past when this topic is raised you are better off buying a manual car to begin with.If someone gives you an auto and you wanted a manual.....sell the auto and buy a 5 or 6 speed. Also you are new as a poster but there are some very nice older threads about this exact topic ,just pop the key words into the search function.
:rolleyes::tongue:I have read the older post and i value the info. this car has a personal value that i dont want to part with. and it is also paid for. i would sell
if i could replace the car with a manual car that was as nice.
I have heard the swap uis possible i was trying to put a dollar amount on it.:smile::confused::cool::eek::biggrin:
I see you revived Jimbos old thread,good job! Give it a few days I'm sure someone can put you in the right ball park $ wise.I'll take a stab and factor in a 90$.hr shop rate ........6-7 k.:redface:
get full coverage,, then burn it,, get new NSX, but if you dont wanna do that,, to give you a ball park of the price,, a timing belt and water pump install from the dealer will run you 2,800, the rear quarter panel is 2000 bucks, so with that said your looking at new transmission, 6-7K master clutch, pedal, etc. your looking at alot of work, and alot of parts, and Labor per hour pushes around 90-130 HR, so have fun with the automatic, if it has some Sentimental value keep it as is!! the previous owner would have wanted it that way! thats why they left it to you
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It has been done several times, but it is quite the effort.

SweetChuck is probably the latest person to have done it, he purchased a complete rear clip to do it too.

I recommend doing the same: buy up a wreck/salvage and swap out the parts. OR see if ERZ will sell you a "kit" (they are moving to FL).

You could also try and pick up parts over the long term and do it that way too.

Not much in the auto transmission upgrade arena.
