Help required with diagnosis of rear end whirling noise.

8 April 2004
Edmonton, Alberta
I have what appears to be a drivers side noise behind me as I drive my car.
The noise is not what I call a clicking but more of a whirling or gurling sound, if there is such a word. But yes, it could be like a soft deadened clicking.
Its prominent under load, but disappears when clutch is depressed.
Its louder from a stand still but still there through the gears, but not as loud since other noises take over.
It all started when I pulled a quick u-turn last year and spun the tyres.
The sound is getting louder, or I'm getting more worried about the cost of this problem.
Just dropped into the Acura dealer on the south side and a few mech. went for a ride with me,(not at the same time) and they where figureing behaps an outer drivers side cv joint was mess'd up.
Can anyone chime in to help me out. They are feeling pretty positive, but I know they have no experience with the car and this problem.
They did put in up on the hoist and ran it but without load, couldn't get the noise.
Is there a way I can check this joint myself to be sure, or lube it or massage it?
Any help would be appreciated and if you have parts that I might need, let me know.
Hum, I wonder about driving it, or should I park it til fixed.
Thanks in Advance as always,
[email protected]
ffffanman said:
a few mech. went for a ride with me,(not at the same time)
why not all go together? :smile:

Well, it could very well be the CV joint like they think. Bad CV joints often only make noise/vibration under load.

If it is the CV joint, there is not much you can do except replace it. By the time it is making noise, regreasing it probably won't help.

If you decide to do it yourself, note the service manual procedure for removing the driveshaft is, well, ... hosed. Search prime for tips from Larry B and others on the RIGHT way to do it.

Not in the snap ring range at all.
Thanks, perhaps ill just let them replace the outer unit.
I don't think this has anything to do with it but I'll throw it out there. Does it change with the AC on or off (Simply toggle the switch while driving)? I've noticed a slight whine that only exists with the AC on. Its a quick check either way although it sounds as though you're issue lies elsewhere. If it does effect things you know you have some sort of AC compressor related problem (I would think).
Thanks buddy, thats a different noise and I have changed out that bearing on the idler pulley on the a/c belt already in a different thread earlier in the year. Thank so much though.
Monday morn update, The sound isn't there in reverse. But the noise is getting louder.
I haven't changed the gears or anything else like that on the car.
Its stock with 100,000 miles on it.
We are starting with the clutch tomorrow and Fab wants his guys to take a look in the trans case while its down.
The throw out bearing has been slightly noisy for sometime.
I guess if we dont take it apart, well never know.
I wonder what the noise sounds like from a snap ring problem.
Will keep you informed.
Im, changing the sound to a ratcheting sound now, not a whirling sound.
ffffanman said:
I wonder what the noise sounds like from a snap ring problem.

When my snap ring broke it sounded like a smooth, grinding or actually, rubbing sound coming from behind my shoulder. I only heard it bad when I was decelerating from 50+ MPH with the clutch engaged, mostly in 3rd and some in 2nd and 4th . It would go away the second I depressed the clutch. My mechanic opened the little viewing port (don't know the real name) into the tranny and handed me a piece of my broken snap ring. Good luck!! I hope this isn't the problem!!!
Tuesday aft and just got back from Acura. Everythings out and on the ground. First mechanic I ran into had opened up the drivers side drive shaft and cv joints and was cleaning the grease off and inspecting things.
No metal particles or loose parts here. One note though, the engine side cv grease was darker and smelled uglier than the grease the wheel side.
We are ruling out this item as the problem.
Walked over to the car and checked out the clutch. It looks like I could have run it for another 10k or more miles, but the throwout bearing was making noise so we are throwing a new clutch package in.
I double checked the serial number on the trans and its J4A4-10000152.
Not in the snapring range.
I spotted the Intermediate shaft and its bearing and we checked it out and found a roughness in that bearing. So a new bearing is on order for tomorrow.
The boys are going to crack the transmission case today yet as see what they can see in there. I though maze well since its all out on the ground.
So thats all I can report, kind of disappointed that we didn't find the culprit sitting right out in front of us.
Just a question. I quickly turned the transmission shaft that sticks out of it quickly with my hand and it made a funny noise. The techs said its because the tranny is dry. It sure sounded like a similiar noise that I hear to my ears.
Any thoughts.
Will keep you informed.


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Thursday update.
They broke my drivers side lower ball joint.
This is hearbreaking after I told the service manager not to touch the ball joints and gave him a print out of a thread on prime explaining why.
Parts in today and they will start assembly.
Still no finding of what the racheting noise is or was.
Decided not to split the transmission case.
Bearing and seal came in yesterday for the intermediate shaft.
Fingers are crossed.
Ex girlfriend had a stroke friday nite in her sleep. 45 years old.
Have to decide if to send 18 year old daughter to College in Toronto for 25,500. plus room and board.
Have this bill to pay.
Happy Easter everyone.
Well its Tuesday after the Easter Break and the car is on the ground and now needs a transmission I'm told.
I'm off to the dealer to discuss this.
I guess Chris at Sos is my best option with a rebuilt for 1500.00 us plus frt.
Just ordered a rebuild from Chris.
It will be ready in about 4 days, then ship time up here to Canada.
I guess I'll find out what the problem is in the Trans when Chris gets mine backs and splits the case. I'm really interested whats making this noise.
Still driving the Dealers new TSX and getting use to it.
Nice and bright lights.
So, the end is here and we have no noise now, but I have a new stock clutch and throwout bearing, just needed it anyways, and I also have a rebuilt stock transmission for Chris at SoS.
Just talked to Chris and they found nothing strange in my old case so he is thinking its just a bearing problem and they will change that out in the rebuild for the next customer.
Thanks to all that helped out!