Help Please :(

19 June 2006
Hi Guys,

I was hoping someone could help me out with an issue I was having. The buttons on my center dash for the Radio (Volume, Track, Presets, etc) are not lighting up. However the screen for the radio is fine. Also, all the other buttons are just fine as well. It seems unlikely that all the little bulbs are fused. The Climate control buttons are just fine. It's only the Radio buttons that have no lighting. Have any of you guys seen this issue before? Could it be a fuse issue? Where is the fuse located for this? I tried to search on prime to get info on the fuse box but was not able to find it :S. If someone can direct me to which fuse handles the display lights or any other useful information, that would be great. This would be really expensive to fix at a dealer if all the bulbs have to replaced!!!!

Thanks a lot for your time and energy.

I believe this problem is internal to the radio itself. I think a competent independent stereo repair shop could locate and fix the problem if you remove the radio and take it in.

To remove the radio, follow these directions, then add one more step: remove the four screws holding down the radio, disconnect the wiring from the back, and remove the radio.
Hi Guys,

I was hoping someone could help me out with an issue I was having. The buttons on my center dash for the Radio (Volume, Track, Presets, etc) are not lighting up. However the screen for the radio is fine. Also, all the other buttons are just fine as well. It seems unlikely that all the little bulbs are fused. The Climate control buttons are just fine. It's only the Radio buttons that have no lighting. Have any of you guys seen this issue before? Could it be a fuse issue? Where is the fuse located for this? I tried to search on prime to get info on the fuse box but was not able to find it :S. If someone can direct me to which fuse handles the display lights or any other useful information, that would be great. This would be really expensive to fix at a dealer if all the bulbs have to replaced!!!!

Thanks a lot for your time and energy.


From what I'm reading is all you might have to do is remove the radio and take it apart and replace the burnt out bulbs maybe?

My gut instinct is that the bulbs aren't burnt out, more likely a loose connection/contact inside the stereo itself that controls that particular bank of lights. I don't think the problem would be that difficult to isolate and correct.

Try this: give the stereo a couple of whacks with the side of your fist. Be selective where you whack it, not on the buttons or the surrounding console area so you don't break anything, but right on the stereo somewhere or maybe along the side. Try giving it a few whacks and see if the lights don't come back on. If they do, you will know that you have a loose internal connection/contact somewhere.
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Could it be the balance button?

If you push the balace button, it comes out to adjust it, if you pull the balance button a little more, the lights in JUST the stereo go out.
Thanks a lot guys. I will try the whacking and balance button during lunch. So you guys dont think its a burnt fuse? My car only has 20k miles on it so my gut was telling me that the bulbs aren't burn...but who knows right :)!
Ok looks like that does not work. I tried the whacking and the balance button pulling and pushing...nothing. So either the bulbs are all fused or its the fuse. Anyone have any idea about the fuse???


I still think the problem is internal to the head unit, but not the bulbs themselves.

Stereo removal instructions are located in post #2, above. It is much easier than it looks, so long as you follow the directions.
Ok thanks Jett. I will take it out this weekend and see if I can figure it out. Any advice on what kind of internal problem this might be? has anyone seen this issue before? If it's not the bulbs I guess I will have to take it to a shop because diagnosis will become difficult then.