Help please- Odometer Rollback? JH4NA1157MT002897

31 March 2005
VA Beach, VA
From the Odometer Carfax report:
05/24/2004 TEANECK, NJ 64,510 Motor Vehicle Dept. TITLE
05/31/2004 NJ Motor Vehicle Dept. REGISTRATION EVENT/RENEWAL

I called these folks (dealership ma/pa shop types) up in Lodi, NJ and was told that the odometer (in-car) REALLY says 60k even though the title says 64k. Should I take this car as mileage unknown? He says it was a clerical error but would still like to take a look at the car, is it worth a 6 hour drive? (Maybe someone could look at the car for me... :rolleyes: ) thanks all.
Re: -Help please- Odometer Rollback? JH4NA1157MT002897

nsxtasy said:
It's a legitimate error. NOBODY rolls back an odometer by only 4K miles.

How do you know? :biggrin:
VTeKJoNkEe said:
Some other problems are a repaint, passenger window does not go up and that's just what he told me over the phone.... God forbid I should drive 6 hours to find its garbage :tongue:

where is the car? why dont you have a local prime member check the car for you?
I would definately find out if the mistake can be corrected before you buy.
Under Az law (just for example) it IS a Box C, or TMU (tru milage unknown) car as soon as you go to register with less miles than previously titled.
It will then always be a Box C title car, which is as bad as a reconstruct title to fine car buyers (as opposed to 15 yo Tempo buyers). With some paperwork and proof it can possibally be corrected, but is that info available as specified in your states statues??

JMO, of course.
Actually thanks to a very kind person up in New York, I now have 12+ hours of my life returned to me, free to spend with my family. Seems as though everything the dealer told me.. How all service has been done, snap range good, Angels following it singing praises....blahzay-blah.... was exactly the opposite according to <the nice man>. He had checked out the vehicle 4 weeks prior for another person... and promptly emailed me as I made ready to leave... So... Thanks again! :biggrin: and.... back to the drawing board for me... :frown:
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Dealer guy: "Snap Range=outside, mileage=clerical error, AC=New (but now he says its older than five years, and local acura dealership doesn't hold on to the records that long), water pump timing belt everything new, everythings in great shape" according to him therefore... all is well....
Other guy says: It IS in Snap Range(might as well change out clutch), Timing belt needs changing, had some problems during test drive, after driving he stopped, went to start and lost power....
therefore, all is not well...
There needs to be a warning on the buying the NSX Forum that reads:
"Buying an NSX is not for the faint of heart..... If you suffer from Diabetes, Extreme Instant Gratification Syndrome, Heart Surgeries or experience dizziness or nausea while staring at a computer monitor for hours.... please ask your doctor for recommendations"
Now, before the flaming starts please understand that I am in fact kidding, while this has been somewhat of a painful week since I've had the money, such is the life of someone who's Obsessive/Compulsive Car disorder gets the best of them :P
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why dont you tell everyone what car it is, who's the dealer selling it and maybe the vin#...
Silver NSX for sale in NJ priced at approx. 26000.... ESCO was the name of the company, I believe. I will say the dealer was up front with me in regards to the mileage, and nearly everything else.... Gonna sit on the information until next weekend when another potential seller hopefully gets his stuff ready.... and make an NSX Roadtrip I suppose.

Good lord, why do I feel like I'm stirring things up.... *sighs*

I had checked this car a few weeks ago for someone interested in it. It is not obvious that the car has any more mileage then stated. The fact is the dealer is saying there is no maintenance required and the trans is not in snapring range. Both false statements. Based on what I saw I anticipated about $4-6K to get the car up to good standing. The spread in the asking price + repairs and what the gentleman wanted to spend was too high. Also there was a unique issue that would take some troublshooting, When you initially started the car(warm) the first 1/10 of a mile the car had no power, then it cleared up and run OK. This was repeatable, we tried it a few times.

We left it at that. and moved on the other candidates.


Also as most of us know the VIN gives a high probability of a snap ring car, since it is a late 1991.
nsxtasy said:
It's a legitimate error. NOBODY rolls back an odometer by only 4K miles.

I know someone who rolled their odometer back a mere 500 get a repair done under warranty.
steveny said:
I know someone who rolled their odometer back a mere 500 get a repair done under warranty.

A nice dealer could have still warrantied it :biggrin: Its not uncoomon for us to warranty stuff or goodwill some additional issues.
A nice dealer could have still warrantied it :biggrin: Its not uncoomon for us to warranty stuff or goodwill some additional issues.

True for foreign but not as true for domestic, the car was a GM product.
This is the same car I was looking at a month back, he claims that Yonkers Acura doesn't keep records of their timing belt and water pump maintainance. Well first of all there is no such dealership called Yonkers Acura and I spoke to the Mike the service manager at Rallye Acura and he verified that Acura never purges those kinds of records of maintanance. Thus, to me these guys are just trying to pull your leg. Thanks to NSXtacey, he helped me prevent a $27000 mistake.
This car also had a left front corner collision in 97 and was impounded in NY in 4-00.
White92 said:
This car also had a left front corner collision in 97 and was impounded in NY in 4-00.

Really? Where did you get that info from :confused: just curious.
A little bird told me. :smile: