Help!! Paint question on a 996.

19 April 2001
This is the reason I don't like to modify cars. Even the SIMPLEST things turn into nightmares for me.

I have a blue 996 and the "Carrera" logo is in black. I thought the logo would look much better in silver. So I bought a silver "Carrera" logo which the dealership said was really easy to install. Pull off the old logo, stick on the new. Sounds easy enough.

The letters in the silver logo are not the same width as the letters in the original black logo.

The black logo is hard to get off so I put a screwdriver in a towel and pry part of it off. The rest of the logo pops off easily.

The problem is the adhesive that held the logo on was not in certain spots but was throughout the entire logo which means that once the black logo was off, you could still the word "Carrera" from the adhesive.

Now I can't get the adhesive off. I tried peeling but the adhesive just smudged. I tried using nail polish remover, first with one that didn't have acetone. Then tried the acetone. That just smeared the adhesive again. Any suggestions on what to use to remove the adhesive without damaging the paint. Keep in mind the letter sizes of the new logo are different than the old logo so I can't just stick it on over the adhesive marks.

DuPont first clean or DuPont adhesive remover.
Both are found at collision supply shops.
If you came into my shop with this problem I would remove it for you and put on the new emblem, no charge. You aren't in Poughkeepsie so go to a Body shop and ask them to do it.
If they charge you what would it cost?
Screw up the paint, what would it cost?
You could try WD40 but why bother? A smart business owner would do it to make a friend and maybe a potential customer.
