HELP! or information in San Antonio

28 June 2004
Houston TX
Hello Prime Members,

Is anyone familiar with a 2003 NSX? [JH4NA21653T000093]
I already have a carfax on it.

The gentleman's name is John Test. Says most of the 39xx miles came from driving it from California on the original purchase.

Any help would be appreciated.


Re: HELP! or information in San Antonio : Never mind

It has no CD or keyless entry.

They guy tells me that this is the first year of the headlight change (we know it is 2002).

He also says he keyless entry wasn't available on the 2003 (we know it was).

I don't think the link below will work as it is too long, but nonetheless, this is the one I was interested in...|Q-descending|Z-77040&aff=national

Beautiful car. That exact color combination is what ill be looking for in about a year when I buy my Nsx.

The link works btw. Wish you good luck, have you been able to talk them down much on price ? 85k is a little high for starting price, curious what you can talk them down to.
Black Book Wholesale

Extra Clean Clean Average Rough
Base $65,000 $64,000 $61,000 $57,100
Total $65,000 $64,000 $61,000 $57,100
a dealer uses black book average when pricing a car. he may step up a little on this one. that asking price is high since there is money back on 2004 models. there are other 03's out there starting at 69K. good luck.
My thoughts are-

Trust your gut instinct about the guy selling. From what you described, doesn't sound like he is much of an enthusiast if he does not know the finer details about the car such as what year the headlight change occurred.

Also, if he had to pay a higher price in CA, that was his choice and he should eat the markup costs. Also, seems the depreciation is pretty steep the first couple of years. With his asking price, he is also asking you to share part of that cost as well. I would offer a true market value. There are plenty of alternative options out there.

His perspective is understandable. Pride vs. Market Value