Help, opinions please on this 92 nsx

24 September 2002
houston, tx
Would like to get your opinions on this 92 nsx

Is anyone familiar with this car? It looks nice to me, but I don't have a keen eye as you all :p

Is there anyone in Columbia, SC who might be willing to check this car out for me? Or suggest a good place to get a pre-buy inspection?

Thanks in advance:)

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Are you sure you want an automatic? The resale is lower than the 5-speeds, they dont sell very good, and they are slower. If the guy will let you take it to a dealer then have it inspected. My friend is the parts manager at Acura of Augusta, GA. Its not too far from you. His name is Joe or you can talk to Jason as well. Joe has owned 2 NSX and still has one. From what he tells me they have a great mechanic. Joe also gives NSX owners discounts on parts. If you buy one it is close enough to take it there.

BIGGG WHOOPS:p just noticed you were in Houston(just bought my NSX from there 2 weeks ago) So disregard the above message. But when you buy one they can still sell you parts and ship them, thats where I am buying my parts so I am sure not to get ripped. I have know Jason and Joe fore over 10 years and Jason was a highschool pal. Both are straight up guys...

Be careful with EBAY cars they are never as nice in person as on the screen!!!!!:eek:
yeah... i want an auto because i don't know how to drive a stick, and besides, i don't have to worry about snap ring or replacing the clutch -- *and* i get power steering....hehheh

how much difference is it between two nsx's, if they are similar in mileage and condition, except that one is a manual and the other is an automatic? $1k? $2k?

Congrats! on your new purchase, and thanks for the warning. I've read stories about con jobs on ebay before, so i'm being careful and asking for maintance records, and if it looks good, i'll try to find someone from SC to check it out for me.
not really sure on the exact price dif. between the two. I just noticed that when I was looking for a car the automatics were not selling very well and the ones on Ebay did not have very many bids.It didnt seem that people looking at these types of performance cars were interested in the automatics. Sorry I cant be of more help.
Spider said:
how much difference is it between two nsx's, if they are similar in mileage and condition, except that one is a manual and the other is an automatic? $1k? $2k?
From the pricing guide in the FAQ:

Automatic Transmission - While it does not actually devalue the car, it can be much harder to find a buyer for an automatic NSX. As a result, some sellers who are not willing to wait will discount the price on an automatic NSX by a couple thousand dollars in order to expedite the sale. This is good news for anyone looking to buy an automatic, but please do not make the mistake of buying an automatic NSX just because you can save a little money. Buy what you really want or you will almost certainly regret it later. Some other sellers are willing to wait for the right buyer and do not discount the price of the car.