help off the experts

14 February 2003
south wales,UK
hi all,

im having a problem with my headlight canopy/dashboard light dimmer switch(the one's to the left of the steering column on left hand drive cars,to the right of the steering column on right hand drive cars).
anyway my problem is that the switch that operates these functions is faulty,my dashlights sometimes flicker on and off and the headlight canopy up/down switch is not working.
what i want to know is will the switch of a left hand drive car fit the right hand drive car as there always seems to be a car that is being parted out on this site,and i will no dought get one a lot cheaper than at my local honda dealer.

thanks in advance,

Too me it really doesn't sound like a faulty switch at all. Especially because the headlight up/down isn't working either.....

See if the regulator works fine on it's own, wow, when it is working, adjust it, and see if it adjusts the way it should....

Too me it really doesn't sound like a faulty switch at all. Especially because the headlight up/down isn't working either..

i think that it is the switch.The dashboard light dimmer and the headlight up/down are on one switch.when the electrical point is plugged in at the back of the switch,i can get the up/down mechanism to work if i play about with the wires i.e pulling the wires towards me. Then the up/down mechanism works fine.

what i need to know though is if the switch from a left hand drive car will fit on a right hand drive