Help! My EVO was damaged by Mitsubishi

5 November 2003
Plano, TX

I bought my Evo about 4 months ago as my daily toy between the NSX. I noticed the paint was rough an gritty to my fingers in areas as as I washed it. The surface just felt like it needed a clay bar or something. Finally I get a call from the dealer 4 months later from the sales manager telling that the car was damaged while in the manufactures possession and it had a letter with it that documented the damage which was supposedly a busted window or something small. The buyer was supposed to be shown this list BEFORE buying and would sign acknowlging the damage and get an additional 1K discount. I was never informed of such damage and signed no such thing. I have been meaning to call them and ask if it was damaged or something because I felt so many random rough spots. Good thing I procrastinated because they really would have looked bad if I reached them first.

Well I didn't think it was just a window and sure enough, I get the damage list and it has:

right front door glass broken
right front door dented
right rear door dented
right rear door molding
right qtr panel dented

I'm like no freakin way am I taking $1k for this. I didn't sign up for a bootleg vandalized and repainted car. I'm not so tight with my cash that I would have taken the car at $1k less. This takes the joy out of your fresh new car. So I believe that the car should be bought back and I go into a brand new one, especially for the dishonesty and hassle to me (I moved over 1k miles away). At least they could still have me in a Mitsubishi. But if they are nasty about it I'll loose all respect for Mitsubishi and push to get them to buy it back and I'll go get something else like a WRX or a Z.

What do you guys thing? Any of you ever been decieved or sold a bad car by a dealer? Not that I even want cash but $1k certainly isn't enough. I would have got a $5k discount on the car if I was desperate enough to consider buying a damanged car that you never really know the full truth.
That really is a bad story. You should be able to get back alot more than 1k for that. I wouldn't even know if a 5k discount would be worth it. That takes away the joy of buying a brand new car. You should contact mitsubishi and see what they will do about it. I am sure they would buy it back for the hassle that you went though and also the dishonesty from the dealership.
that's just shocking! Sorry to hear about the story, there must be a law somewhere that states the dealer can not sell a 'damaged' car as new...??? Or there should be!

How convenient for them to 'forget' to disclose that the car was damaged and repaired prior to selling????
At most of the dealers I work at, the damage has to exceed $800 before they have to inform the customer. There has to be some kind of law that is in effect that protects a customer from this. I would have a meeting with an attorney for some advice.
Well I'm sure that law is in effect because they are trying to get me to sign the waiver that they were supposed to show me before I bought. Plus they are offering $1k which by default makes the damage over $1k. Plus I couldn't fix all of those panels and windo for under $1k.
Sounds like the dealer was hoping you are some kind of idiot who will be so happy to get a check for 1k that you wouldn't look closely at the damage invoice. I would be extremely angry. Make them buy the car back, and if they will not, then get a lawyer. :mad:
Don't ask them what they will do. Don't ask if they will give you more than $1k back. Tell them what they can do for you. Demand that they buy the car back if that's what you want. You hold all of the cards here. In order to save their own butts, they have to get you to sign the waiver. Don't do it unless they are doing exactly what YOU want them to do. They can get into some legal trouble because they "forgot" to tell you about the prior damage. Misrepresenting a brand new car if you ask me. If you have any lawyer friends, I would ask them for some free advice. Besides, it wasn't even fixed back to "factory" condition. You could tell there was something wrong with the car even before they told you.
You should decide first if you want to keep the car or not. If not, then you can return it and request they replace your car with a new one. If you want to keep it, then I would request a much larger refund than $1k. Most likely they will have to accommodate you. If they don't, then threaten to call the attorney general's office of the state you live in. That always seems to do the trick (although I live in NY and we have Elliot Spitzer who's a big anti-business/pro-consumer type. But I would still give that a try -- it should work.)
Re: Limits to damages...

JSMDMD said:
I remembered this case from a few years ago that BMW won. It's along similar lines as this one.

Joel 91 Black/Ivory

WOW!! According to that article even after the case was ruled on by the supreme court BMW could still be forced to pay a large punitive damage. Evoking, you should show that article to the dealer and demand new EVOs for everyone who has helped you in this thread. That's what I would do :)