Help installing front license plate

7 February 2001
Easiest/dumbest tech question ever:
I need to install the factory front plate holder for a fix-it ticket. I have the holder, but am unsure how to install and where it latches to. If there is any documentation or other threads on it I would appreciate the info. I want to install it today and have it signed off. Thanks.

IF I recall is mount on the inside of the fromt scoop at the top with a few bolts, so the bolts go in upward.

I have not gotten nailed yet, so I will await my "First Offense" before re-installing mine!!

The guy I bought the car from a few years ago, had it is the trunk.

Larry is correct in noting the two bolts that go in vertically, from the bottom. However I **think** there are also two bolts that go in horizontally, at the far end of the bracket (furthest from the front of the bracket). These connect the arms of the bracket to the chassis.

At least I think so - it's been a decade since I removed mine!
You might try bracket necessary.

um....i dont know about your state but i bet its the same everywhere

Anything obstructing the view of the license plate is considered an infraction

so please check your local laws, but i know here in new york you can get a ticket for a license plate frame even....although they dont enforce it in most cases .
Originally posted by NyC NsX:
um....i dont know about your state but i bet its the same everywhere

Anything obstructing the view of the license plate is considered an infraction.

I believe that's true here too. I just thought a cop would be a little more understanding (oxymoron?) because at least you had a plate installed.
Originally posted by juejaimon:

You ever make your way to alameda?

I would love to meet up and see your car. I'm thinking of doing a conversion.

I just picked up a Ekornes stressless chair in Alameda. Been to Ballena Bay Yacht harbor a few times.
No such thing as an understanding cop in certain areas of Los Angeles. I think I have it figured out from the posts above, Thanks guys. I am missing a couple screws, but I have plenty laying around that will do the trick.
Originally posted by NSX-00054:
You might try bracket necessary.


NSX-00054 I've been waiting for you to post pics of your car..didn't want to ask. I see you do have some...can you post some in the picture gallery? Thanks.

jack of all trades, master of some.
Originally posted by true:
NSX-00054 I've been waiting for you to post pics of your car..didn't want to ask. I see you do have some...can you post some in the picture gallery? Thanks.

I did about a month ago, but nothing happened. I'll try again.
Originally posted by true:
NSX-00054 I've been waiting for you to post pics of your car..didn't want to ask. I see you do have some...can you post some in the picture gallery? Thanks.

Moved to picture gallery

[This message has been edited by NSX-00054 (edited 27 June 2002).]