HELP! I Screwed Up

10 October 2003
I ws just switching out my front pads in expectation of driving school this weekend. When I was doing the driver side front I accidentally took off the banjo bolt instead of the caliper bolt (beauty of doing it at night in the garage). I leaked fluid before getting it reinstalled.

I pump the brake pedal to build up some pressure before leaving the garage but within a few seconds the pedal will go back to the floor and no brakes! Is this simply an issue of having got air in the line or did I do something worse?!

I just had the fluid flushed a few weeks ago as part of my tech inspection. Is there a way to remedy this without having to redo the whole thing?!

Thanks alot everyone.
you need to bleed for sure. you can replace the crush washer at the banjo if you're really worried about it leaking, but the old one will probably be fine.

once air gets in the system, you have no choice.

as long as the abs motor wasn't activated since the incident, you shouldn't have to bleed it, as it's more complicated than bleeding calipers.
seeing as I only messed up one corner can I get away with bleeding that corner and leave the other?

thanks for the quick response guys
if you bled it immediately afterwards, the single one would probably be alright. however, since the pedal was pushed in, you may have to do the front or all 4.

and don't let the pedal go to the floor when you're bleeding it. it can damage the master cylinder.
damn... just the circumstances that I wanted for my first break bleed... do or die! If I can't get it right... no driving school on Friday!
One last question... does it make sense that I can build up pressure... lose it... build it up... lose it?
you can try doing just that one, but i think you'll end up doing them all.

it's really not a difficult job with an assistant. you'll just find yourself getting tired of saying "open" and "closed."

get some clear vinyl tubing, make sure the bleeder tubing is submerged in clean fluid, that the pedal doesn't go to the floor, that the reservior never gets empty. a flare nut or closed end wrench would be good to use on the bleeders.

do a search on the board. the '91 service manual may also be helpful, but FSM's tend to leave out stuff that's important if it's your first time doing the job.
Get some speed-bleeders & you don't need assistant with the "down-stop; up-stop" routine!
Don't know how quickly you want to get it done - I know some auto shops carry them w/o having to order; Kragens carries them but the SB10125 wasn't on the shelf when I saw them with different size selections. Check around, definitely a great value part to install.

You may get away with just that corner if you want to try a quick bleed.
When was the last time the car had a complete flush?? Do not really want to make more work for you, but if you are going to HPDE it should be done if it was not done recently anyway:). At the school many of us attend out here in the NE new brake fluid is required to pass tech.

My $.02
There are two crush washers on either side of the banjo bolt that you should plan on replacing in the future. Obviously you reused them which is ok if you are not leaking fluid around the banjo bolt. These washers are made of soft metal and are designed to crush down when the bolt is banjo bolt is torqued. When they crush, they form a really tight seal around the banjo bolt. Since it’s your brakes, I’d recommend getting the washers relatively soon and plan on replacing them next time you’re working on the brakes. If you’re going to be bleeding the brakes anyway and if you can drop by an Acura dealership to pick up a couple washers then I’d replace them now just for piece of mind.

You should be ok just bleeding the one wheel. It should only take 3-4 brake pump cycles clear up your problem. Don’t worry about bleeding the ABS system since the fluids are physically separate. If after bleeding the one wheel, you still feel a soft pedal, then go you’ll need to bleed all four corners.

Good luck,

I just had a full full flush with Motol (sp) about three weeks ago.

Thanks again everyone.
Thanks again everyone for your insights.

Just so you all know... I found a great little helper at Pep Boys. I ran in there hoping that by some miracle they might happen to cover speed bleeders (which they don't) because I couldn't find someone to help with he emergency bleed.

What they did have those was a brake bleeding line/tube that had a similar one way valve at the end. I'll have to try and grab a picture of it. The thing cost about $5. Great find. 20 minutes late I was back on the road bedding my new pads.
What they did have those was a brake bleeding line/tube that had a similar one way valve at the end. I'll have to try and grab a picture of it. The thing cost about $5. Great find. 20 minutes late I was back on the road bedding my new pads.

:):) I have been using that setup for 25 years, funny how these little things can work so well.

Glad you are all set.

Larry, DanO et al: your DIY brake flush walkthrus and advice got me through installing speedbleeders and fully flushing my brake system prior to a HPDE last weekend. Great stuff when you haven't done it before and I just wanted to say thanks for all your good advice. Man I love this community!