Help. I can't get the bolts off my fuel filter...

9 June 2004
What are my options. I am a pretty strong guy and I've pulled on this stuff pretty hard (I haven't yanked on it as hard as possible). But really put some muscle into it. What should I do? Is it safe to use a liquid wrench on something like this? or should I just muscle it out? Also, even if I hold it, it seems like the fuel filter itself is starting to twist...
Brain is right you must hold the filter, I am sure it is flexing on its mounts. The really easy way to REMOVE them is with an impact gun:). 2 seconds. Use a torque wrench to reinstall them, w/the new crush washers(5) that come with the new filter kit.

The challange with holding the filter is getting a darn wrench in there. If it's a 1991, plan on removing the fan, if you must use a wrench, makes it easier either way though.

omg. The impact gun. It took it off like it wasn't even torqued! That was amazing. I wasn't sure if it was safe to use it on the fuel filter. I got it all done. Man, that took longer than expected. ;-) Its done now tho.