HELP! Car won't start ...

12 September 2009
Salt Lake City, Utah
NEED HELP! Not my car but a family member's car. Two days ago tried start the car and it wouldn't even turn over. Interior lights were very dim and supposed it was a battery issue (plausible given that we had our first cold stretch this week with lows in the upper 30s to low 40s). Tried jumping the car and got it to turn over but not start. Replaced the battery this morning with OEM replacement which was also my first time seeing the car in person since this all started. That's when I noticed that with the key in first, second or third position the dash/instrument display lights, radio, clock, seats, windows and mirrors all were inoperable and not getting power. Light checked the fuses and some didn't read positive. Replaced those fuses and the new ones still did not read positive. I have some good people helping me out but thought I would ping the larger group as a whole to see if anyone has had this issue or has any idea what is going on here. Thanks in advance!!!

It's a 97' NSX-T with 54K miles.
First thing to check is the ignition cylinder. Second thing to check for a no start is the main relay.
what make model?......if not an nsx ask in off topic.
You need to get an eye exam. He says:

lol I thought that was his sig line.......and yes I need stronger readers...:redface:
Do you have access to voltmeter? If so
1. Measure voltage at the battery with the probes on the battery posts (not on the battery cable clamps).
2. Measure voltage at the engine compartment from the "jump start terminal" in the fuse/relay box to the engine block.

Do the above with the ignition off, on, and in the crank position. Then we'll see what makes sense for the next steps.

PS - all those blown fuses make me very nervous. Is it possible someone connected the new battery backwards for a moment, then put it in correctly?
Thanks, guys. The connections were both fine. I first went to the ignition switch and cleaned the contact points. That didn't work so with the help of Dave (Acuratech) I went back through the fuses and found that one of the main fuses leading to the ignition was blown. I replaced that and got the car to start and returned power to the seats. Still don't have functionality on the other components but figure that my dad must have crossed the +/- when jumping the car and blew some of the main fuses. We are working through it little by little. Thanks!

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Do the above with the ignition off, on, and in the crank position. Then we'll see what makes sense for the next steps.

PS - all those blown fuses make me very nervous. Is it possible someone connected the new battery backwards for a moment, then put it in correctly?

Did what you suggested which is what led to discovering the blown main fuse. I think that the new battery was not the problem but rather crossing the cables when jumping. Hard to say because I wasn't there but it would seem that was the case. One other person sent me a bulletin that indicates that if you do that you can blow a bunch of fuses. While tedious, I think we can return full functionality without too great of cost. Thanks for the help. Wouldn't have been able to get to the bottom of this without the awesome Prime community.

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You need to get an eye exam. He says:

Glad to have two doctors on the case! ;) Should have put the make and model at the beginning of the post not the end!