Help Caliper pins

22 August 2005
:frown: : I just had my calipers powder coated, and I seem to have forgotten what order my pins go in. On my 98t I have a bronze colored pin with two flat sides on it and also a darker pin. Can any one help me with which one goes on top. One other question two of my darker pins have like rubber grommets on the end. Does it go on the front or rear. Forgive me my mistake I didn't write it down when I took them apart some twwo weeks ago. Can anyone help me out on this thanks. :confused:
I recall the pins with the rubber piece go on the top. Ask Peter Mills, he just had his apart:). You can PM him here.

If you post a picture of the parts, we'll be able to help you better. Also, this picture may help you.


Yes thank you I have this pic however it doesn't show in detail which pin goes were I"m thinking that the lighter bronze one with the flat sides goes up top. My big concern is the darker pin with the rubber on it does it go bottom rear or bottom front.

Thanks again.
The bronze one with the flat side that you are referring to is #15 and 21 on the top pic. it goes through the rubber boot and goes into the caliper bracket. The rubber boot is used so dust won't get into the bracket hole for the pin. Make sure to grease the pin before inserting. I'm not sure what darker pin with the rubber you are talking about. Are you talking about the caliper pistons?(#11 and 12) You should post pictures of the parts in question to clarify if you can.
