Help, Brake? question

16 October 2000
North Ridgeville, OHIO, USA
So I was on my way to a friends house via country backroads when I came about a dip in the road that I saw late. It was actually a dug out part of street then was then poorly filled with asphalt, the section being about 6 feet long. I hit it while breaking at about 40 mph and immediatly after i heard the sound of a small electric motor eminating from what sounded like under the hood on the drivers side. THis was not the classic clicking sound from the abs that I've heard before but rather like a somewhat high pitched motor that sounded like a small fan. The sound began to become intermittent...seemingly randomly turning on for a few seconds then off.

When I got to my friends house, I opened the hood and noticed that brake fluid from the ABS resivoir? (the one that is closer to the front of the car) had spilled out from under the cap---looking on the ground there was also some on the ground. THe fluid was at the low level

I turned the car off for about an hour and then took it for a ride to see if it woould still make the did, but again intermittently, not with breaking, necessarly. I went on some gravel to try to actuate the abs but i was not able to tell if it came on because is was at fairly low speeds with little room to brake Another hour and I headed for home (35 miles). I went for about 34 of those miles without hearing the noise then it came on for about 3 seconds and stopped and did not come back on again.

Checking the fluid level in the garage showed that the fluid was down to the low line (just as it was when i left my friends house).

Any Ideas? Was hitting the bump related?


The noise is simply the ABS motor running to keep the system pressurized. You probably got into the ABS going across the patch and the motor running is pretty normal. The leaking and dripping brake fluid is not normal, but I have no idea why this would happen.


Try to avoid gravel.... NSX's don't deserve such rash treatment... the damage will happen quickly and will be ireversable.

Top off brake fluid.

Hope it doesn't happen again... trouble shoot from there.


A Running abs pump and a reservoir over flow happens when one on the valves in the abs sticks open. To fix this the abs system needs to be flushed and the valves exercised. Bottoming out the car must have activated the Abs for a second and a one of the valves chose to stick at that time. They normally don't un-stick them selves, I would do the flush and valve exercise it should be done every two years.

Flushing procedure
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