Help..Auction history in Carfax. Red Flag?


Experienced Member
12 April 2005
San Clemente Ca.
Am looking at an early NSX that's out of state. Had a Expert Prime member check it out.
Car seemed to check out. Very thorough PPI. Road tested, overhead rack, etc.

Issue #1. Seller purchased from a dealer in 05, So, no maint History prior to 05. But did get new T- belt and pump in 06. Carfax mileage history looks reasonable.

Issue #2. Per Carfax, this car went through an auto auction in 05.

Issue #3. Seller repainted the rear bumper cover as it had been re-painted in the past and had bubbles in the paint. Other than that does not show any signs of paint work. (But bumper covers & hood need to be re-painted to be perfect) Small area where buffer went through on wing etc.
Really would like to buy this car, but do not feel 100% solid due to its lack of history and auction status.

What to do.............. Get it in to a body shop?, forge ahead with the deal?, forget about it?
The problem is the car's is location to me. About as far from away as it could be.

The reason I am interested is mileage & color.

Thoughts appreciated!
It is always a good idea to let a qualified body shop do a inspection of the car to see if it has had any body work. Even in these cases some cars have had expert body work done that cannot be seen without a thorough inspection. I remember one case where a frame was rewelded and it was not know till the car was totalled in a accident.
I would not be concerned about the auction, these are specialty cars and they do very often wind up in the hands of dealers who are afraid they cannot move the car and or want the quick turn around of offering it to a more confident dealer. If you like the car I would estimate worst-case scenario for the body work and adjust your offer accordingly. Unless of course the car is already priced with consideration to work needed then go get it.
Here is the surrounding info per CarFax.

North Carolina over 10 years same owner, then Sold at auction in Pennsylvania, then Dealer Inventory Minneapolis, MN

Is the fact that it went from NC to Penn for auction anything to question?
Looks like quite a few miles on the map just to go to auction?
I would not be concerned about the auction, these are specialty cars and they do very often wind up in the hands of dealers who are afraid they cannot move the car and or want the quick turn around of offering it to a more confident dealer.


Is the fact that it went from NC to Penn for auction anything to question?
No. The NSX is so rare that its auctions take place on a nationwide basis. The reason that you're looking to buy a car in another part of the country - price and availability - is the same reason that auction buyers look nationwide too.