HELP - 1st NSX...Zanardi or Standard NSX?

26 November 2003

First off, great forum. I been studying and am getting educated about the NSX. Thanks!

I am new to the NSX world and am in the market to buy a NSX. Test drove a 1998 and what a great car to drive. I am currently debating between a Zanardi NSX and a 2000 (+/- a year or two) NSX. All cars with low miles. I have found model year 2000 and Zanardi cars in the low $60K's range. However, the 2000 's still have remaining warranties. I need with your expertise please.

Do Zanardi cars command a premium over regular NSX's? If so, how much more? What would be a fair price for a Zanardi today?

Is there that much of a difference in the actual driving of these cars?

What is the FMV of a Zanardi with low miles?

Would I be just as happy with regular NSX, model year 1998 - 2001?

Do I need an extended warranty?

Sorry for all the questions.


Soon to be a NSX ower.
Ya, the newer year models do still have the warranty on them.

The Zanardi does command slightly a better price, but not by much: 40 something to 50 something depend on the condition of the car.

Without the warranty, you probably will have absolutely nothing to worry about, especially when the NSX is under 6 years old.

You donot need extended warranty with the NSX any years at all.

Yes, you will be happy with the NSX, regardless of the years.
Rob0504 said:
Do Zanardi cars command a premium over regular NSX's?
Not by a lot. Maybe a few grand at most. But it's hard to tell, because there aren't a lot of Zanardis out there, and many of those that come up for sale have been trashed.

Rob0504 said:
What would be a fair price for a Zanardi today?
Maybe $54-57K for a low-mileage perfect-condition car, less than that with higher mileage and/or problems (crash history, etc).

Rob0504 said:
Is there that much of a difference in the actual driving of these cars?
When you try to remove the roof panel, big difference.

If you take it on the track, some difference.

For everyday street driving, not much difference.

Rob0504 said:
Would I be just as happy with regular NSX, model year 1998 - 2001?
That depends on your plans for the car, whether you care about removing the roof panel, whether you plan to enter it in track events (some of which bar removable-roof cars), etc. I think most buyers would be equally happy with an NSX-T as a Zanardi.

Rob0504 said:
Do I need an extended warranty?
Not if the car has been well maintained.
Zanardi vs Standard NSX

Thanks guys!

There two Zanardi's for sale in my neck of the woods. One for $60K and the other for $65K. Both have less then 9,000 miles on them and appear to be in good condition. However, I thought the prices were a little high for a 1999 when I can get a 2000 or 2001 at or around the same price.

I would only drive the car on the streets on the weekends so it looks like the standard NSX is the way to go. Plus you can take the top off on those nice days.

Any advise on finding a good used NSX?

Thanks again!
The Zanardi also has a rougher suspension and no power steering.

For a pleasure car, I would think 97+ is what you want.

Re: Zanardi vs Standard NSX

Rob0504 said:
Thanks guys!

There two Zanardi's for sale in my neck of the woods. One for $60K and the other for $65K. Both have less then 9,000 miles on them and appear to be in good condition. However, I thought the prices were a little high for a 1999 when I can get a 2000 or 2001 at or around the same price.

I would only drive the car on the streets on the weekends so it looks like the standard NSX is the way to go. Plus you can take the top off on those nice days.

Any advise on finding a good used NSX?

Thanks again!

Be patient and selective. Check all the sources at Auto-trader, NSXprime for sale section, local dealership and Ebay.