helmet discount?

7 October 2002
Chapel Hill NC
Is there an NSXCA or other discount(s) available for a helmet purchase?

Anyone have a favorite helmet? websites, please?
Members of the NSX Club of America get 10 percent off from Helmet City.

That being said, though, I strongly recommend that you buy a helmet from a retailer in your area where you can walk in and try various helmets on for comfort. There's no other way to find out whether a particular helmet will fit comfortably or not.

Stores don't carry an inventory of helmets as a service just so you can try them on and buy elsewhere, though, so buy it there as well, even if it costs you a little more than having it shipped.

EDIT: Corrected discount percentage above, and have contacted the webmaster to get it updated on the club website.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 09 December 2002).]
Just called Helmet City- They do offer a 10% NSXCA discount. Very helpful. I'll probably get a Bell M2: full-face, Nomex, vented, very nice. With discount =$270 includes shipping.

Originally posted by nsxtasy:
Members of the NSX Club of America get 10 percent off from Helmet City.

That being said, though, I strongly recommend that you buy a helmet from a retailer in your area where you can walk in and try various helmets on for comfort. There's no other way to find out whether a particular helmet will fit comfortably or not.

Stores don't carry an inventory of helmets as a service just so you can try them on and buy elsewhere, though, so buy it there as well, even if it costs you a little more than having it shipped.

All true, but many people don't have the option. Good luck finding any selection at all of SA rated helmets in St. Louis.
They give pretty specific measuring instructions, using a cloth tape measure (of course, being a guy and not a seamstress, I'll probably resort to my good ol' retractable metal one). Ideally I'd try one on but time/distance don't permit.
A good return policy is key when ordering a helmet via mail order. I ordered my SA rated helmet this way and sent helmets back twice before I could get one to fit correctly.


1992 NSX Red/Blk 5 spd #0330
1991 NSX Blk/Blk Auto #3070 (Sold)
1974 Vette 454 4 spd Wht/Blk
1976 Honda Accord 5 spd, 3 door Blue/Blue
1977 Honda Accord - Custom - Under Construction
1986 Chevy Suburban
I had a similar experience to Jimbo's.

When I needed to replace my SA85 helmet with an SA95 helmet, I bought it from a shop that's about a 45-minute drive from home. I thought I knew what size I wanted, since I took measurements and I also had the same size for my previous SA85. I didn't want to make the drive to the shop (I was really tied up at the time) so I had them ship it to me. When I tried it on, the pressure on my head was excruciatingly painful. I took it back to the shop and exchanged it. I had to try on several more there before I found one that was acceptably comfortable.

While most mail order places will accept returns if the helmet is only tried on and not used, it can be inconvenient and expensive to ship helmets back and forth to find one that fits.

Any really big city, such as Chicago or Washington DC, probably has one or two "speed shops" that specialize in racing gear and supplies. You'll need to ask around to locate one in your area. (I'm not sure about St. Louis, which is not quite as large a city.)
Originally posted by Lud:
There is more to full-face helmets than just size. Different brands fit differently.

In my case, I was finding that different models within the same brand also fit completely differently.
Helmet City will accept exchanges. You pay for shipping to them (about $10 2nd class) and they pay to ship the new unit to you.

If my helmet comes in too big, I'll just dump in a bunch of those styrofoam "peanuts" until it fits!

Is there a FAQ for keeping the "peanuts" IN the helmet whilst inverting it to put it on one's head?!?!?