
28 December 2001
Berwyn, PA
Dear All,

It has been almost two years since I left this forum as well as the NSX community including my “Scenic Drive” column in NSX Driver.

During the past two years at business school, I challenged myself competing with some of the most talented people in the world. It was a rewarding experience for me because it opened my eyes not only to complex issues in our society/business world, but also to my inner-self. Most importantly, I reflected upon past 10 years, living in the U.S. far away from my home country, South Korea. Now, after going through two years of crucible, I feel much more comfortable and confident with who I am and what I want in my life. Business School has definitely been worth two years of my life.

There have been other changes in my life. Most importantly, Linda and I just had our first daughter two weeks ago. Witnessing the birth of my child has been the most incredible experience that I have ever had. The name of our daughter is Olivia Migyu Kim. She is only two weeks old, but we feel as if we have known her for a long time.

The first thing that I did when I went back to school (and when Linda and I were planning for a baby) was to sell my beloved NSX and bought a car with a backseat. It was a difficult decision that I had to make. I missed it every day – I would even dream about driving my NSX during my sleep. Eventually, lurking around NSXPRIME became painful because it made me want my NSX back. So, I disciplined myself in visiting less and less.

Several months ago, while I was staying up late at night finishing my work, I decided to visit NSXPRIME again. I browsed through the Northeast section and saw pictures of my old friends attending various NSX events. It made me smile to know that everyone was doing so well: Roger, Peter, Gene, Bailey, Larry, Bob, Dr. John, John C, John D, Tony, Rich, Mitch, Jesse, Brian Rae, Clem and I know I am forgetting many others). I was always one of the youngest members in the Northeast NSX community. However, I always felt welcomed. I was truly thankful to all of you for listening to me without any prejudice and providing me with life-long lessons. I truly missed and valued that friendship that did not have the age and ethnic barrier. One of the fondest memories that I have is driving beautiful roads with you and sharing our life stories.

There are many moments in my day-to-day life when I want to just go out and purchase an NSX right away. However, I am still adjusting to my new life that began with the arrival of my beautiful daughter, Olivia. Someday, I hope to join the NSX ownership again. When that time comes, I hope that Linda and Olivia will understand that it is not a selfish decision that I make. I hope that they will be happy for me.

I have never realized how one car could represent more than a man-made product – it is a symbol of friendship that I could have never found or imagined.


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Congratulations are in order on several fronts! Most importantly, congratulations on the birth of your beautiful daughter. I am sure that she will come to learn how very fortunate she is to have you and Linda as her parents.

And even though your attention is now necessarily focused on your addition to your immediate family, never forget that with or without an NSX you will always be a most welcome member of your extended NSX family here in the Northeast.
Conrats to you and Linda on the new addition to the family and it is great to see you posting again. I wish you continued success and with or without a nsx please dont be a stranger.

So good to hear from you after all this time, yes congratulations are definitely in order. The birth of your daughter is taking you down a road that will give you far more rewards than NSX ownership ever did. It's a road filled with joy, reward, expectations, surprises, and love. Best wishes to you and Linda. As Bailey and Bob have said, lack of a NSX in your garage doesn't mean that your "extended family" doesn't miss you, and would welcome you to any and all events. I know how much your presence meant at Kid's Day 2 years ago, and would love to see you join us this July. Just ask John, Karen and Nicholas who drove up from New Jersey in a Scion to participate!!!! Hope that we can see the 3 of you soon. Welcome back, don't be a stranger!!!!

It's good to hear from you again and congrats on the daughter.
When things settle down, you'll be a NSX owner again. :smile:

For now, just try and get some rest and keep the wife happy.

Take care.

Life is funny -- I was just wondering how you were. Someone pops into your head, and then they pop back into your life. Congrats on your new daughter. Masha and I are still in the holding phase. One of these years we have to get up to Montreal for that F1 race we've been talking about. Nice job with business school. I have another friend who is currently in his first year of an MBA program. I respect you guys for having the discipline to go back to school after all these years. Anyway, great to hear from you. Hope to see you at an event with your backseater.

Congratulations on your daughter and completing business school! It was great to hear from you! I was actually going through some old PM's not too long ago and I still have the one with a picture of you and me at Lime Rock!

Thank you so much for your kind welcome and words, Bob, Bailey, Roger, Otto, Jesse and Gene.

After graduation, I will be working at a firm which will require international travels as well as 100+ hours per week working hours (yes, hours are tough, but the experience will be worthwhile, I hope), but I will definitely do my best to attend some of the events.

Looking forward to seeing everyone soon.
Yong, thanks for the updates.Life is all about change and phases.You have gone from cleaning an nsx to cleaning a babies bottom!:biggrin: Poop is your friend!Congratulations!As Bob and the others have said the NE region is about the people,the car is just the catalyst.Just remember in your carear and in business keep your priorities clear,quality of life,family come first,but if those things must be sacrificed early to get big rewards in the future,then do the hard work now.
Yong, thanks so much for the update. Congratulations on your daughter and congratulations on your degree and your new career! And, as others have already mentioned, you are always welcome as a part of our NSX community (everywhere, not just in the Northeast). Please consider coming to NSXPO 2007 in Ohio this October, and let me know if your business travels ever bring you to Chicago.
Hi Yong,

So nice to hear from you, especially with such good news. Olivia is beautiful. As she grows, so will you continue to grow.

I am sure you remember my "young" son, Brian and "young" daughter, Stephanie. Brian is now in college and Stephanie is getting ready to drive soon!!!!!!!!!!! I remember the first Poker Rally when she was waving a flag to let us go, and the flag was bigger then her:).

Make sure you enjoy every day:).

Best Regards and Congratulations,
LarryB and Family

I have to admit that my daughter's poopie diapers make me so happy - she is such in good mood after she poos! I just want her to be healthy.
Yes, I will make sure that my family will be my priority.


Thank you so much for remembering me and your kind welcome. I will do my best to attend NSXPO 2007. I hope that I can contribute more to the NSX community soon.


Wow, time does fly. I am so glad to hear that Brian and Stephanie are doing so well! Thank you so much for your kind advice.
Hi Yong,
I was wondering what happened to you. Glad to hear that you and your family are doing well. If you ever want to check out the recent array of car projects, mosey on down Rt 3. Building a Locost Seven...just finished chassis.
We can get your car desire really burning! Seriously though, family comes first. Glad to hear that you enjoy being a dad.
Hi, Paul,

Thanks for your kind note. How are your boys doing? They must be in college now. I would love to stop by your residence when the weather becomes warmer. Cannot wait to see your new project!
Yes, Matt and Steve are both in college and doing well. Rob is still Rob as far as that goes, but he is doing fine.
OK, you are on for when the weather warms up.
Yong!!!! It's great to hear from you. I can't believe it's been two years, where does the time go?? Congradulations on the birth of your daughter!! nothing is more rewarding for sure. Since I've talked to you I've actually sold my own NSX (which was very difficult) but more importantly Karen and I have given birth to our first child, Nicholas. As a matter of fact Karen is due with our second child next month!! Life is truely amazing!! I'm so glad to hear that the two of you are doing so well. Please keep in touch!
Thank you, Peter & John.

Peter, I have marked my calendar and will do my best to be there!
John, congrats on your second pregancy! You guys are so lucky to have such a wonderful family!