Hello, I'm Clark, new here.

30 September 2012
Shreveport, Louisiana
Hello, I currently don't have an NSX, but I'm hoping to get one in a year or so's time.

I'll start out with a bit of honesty - I discovered the NSX in a rather lame fashion - playing Forza Motorsport 4. It looked interesting, so I kept it in the back of mind. Over the summer, I went to Vegas, and lo an behold, on Las Vegas Boulevard, was a Kaiser Silver NSX. Wow, pictures truly do this car no justice!

Anyways, as you all may have guessed, I am probably one of the youngest members here. I do try to avoid letting that show in my posting.

Currently, I am a student hoping to study automotive design at Stanford or ASU. My current ride is a 2006 Jeep Commander. Nice little car. Pics later.

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Hi, Clark. Welcome to NSX Prime. It's easy to get addicted to the cars AND the community - I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay. If you make it to ASU for school, give me a holler. I'm just minutes from campus and you can take my 1992 for a spin. Good luck with your search.
Welcome. This site is where my addiction started.
Hi, Clark. Welcome to NSX Prime. It's easy to get addicted to the cars AND the community - I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay. If you make it to ASU for school, give me a holler. I'm just minutes from campus and you can take my 1992 for a spin. Good luck with your search.

Thank you! I think, at this point, that is where I will end up. Stanford is more of a hopeful long shot than a realistic option.
Welcome to prime Clark :smile:

You will learn quite a bit hanging out here and going through the wiki.

Take advantage of a ride in one if you get the chance for sure. Then I'm guessing the hook will be good and set.
Name the one part shared between your Jeep and an NSX. I will give you a hint: It makes the car very ugly, less so on the Jeep.
Welcome. What is you first choice color?

Green/tan is my favorite combo but silver/silver is close behind. Just exterior, I like more MCB, MP, and the yellows. The only color combo I slightly dislike is the red/ black.

Welcome to prime Clark :smile:

You will learn quite a bit hanging out here and going through the wiki.

Take advantage of a ride in one if you get the chance for sure. Then I'm guessing the hook will be good and set.

I hope I can soon! I know *of* one NSX here in Shreveport, but afaik he isn't here. DFW isn't far away though - might go to a weekend cars&coffee there should schedule permit.

Name the one part shared between your Jeep and an NSX. I will give you a hint: It makes the car very ugly, less so on the Jeep.
Had to think here. The only stock part shared, I think, could be the antenna. Grille guard was a good guess, but I haven't ever seen an NSX with one, so I can't make a judgement on that :)
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I have to agree with you that the NSX, in either version, is a stunningly beautiful car, but it goes a lot deeper than that. An interesting sidelight to the NSX is the Service Manual that can be downloaded from sites linked to the WIKi. The manual, which is nicely divided into rational sections, begins each sections with a mildly technical overview of the subsystem being discussed. Just a few pages of carousing tells the prospective owner that these cars are technical masterpieces. And that is the true beauty of the cars, that they are the masters of the race. Read any review of the times, read any short or long term road test of one of the cars and time and again you will see the same comments repeated. The reviewers love the cars, they have among the best handling of any road car ever built, they have a near perfectly ballanced power to rate ratio for street driving, they are blessed with some of the best visibility of any "super car" ever built bar none. They are tractable, smooth, comfortable, feature filled, economical (by luxury sports car standards) to maintain and particularly to operate, and most important for those of us who love to drive our cars more than wax them, they are almost unworldly dependable.

Son, take it from an old fart; you're barking up the right tree.
Name the one part shared between your Jeep and an NSX. I will give you a hint: It makes the car very ugly, less so on the Jeep.

I was going to say ride height on a stock nsx... but thats not a part. lol
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Welcome aboard Clark. Enjoy the ride and be patient for the right car. Don't want your first NSX to leave a bad taste in your mouth.
Hey Clark, fellow young guy here. What sort of program do those schools offer for automotive design? I did an undergrad degree in architecture and am becoming weary of pursuing a masters in the field (it's very doom and gloom these days). Automotive design has always been in the back of my head but I haven't researched education much. Feel free to shoot me a PM if you'd rather keep your thread on topic!

Good call on green/tan, very classy IMO.
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Green/tan is my favorite combo but silver/silver is close behind.
Interestingly enough, there is a silver/silver and green/tan for sale at the moment. One high budget, one low.

I agree with others though - take your time and take the opportunity to get out and see some NSXs first hand, most owners are friendly and happy to give you a lot of great insight about the vehicles.

Good luck!
Interestingly enough, there is a silver/silver and green/tan for sale at the moment. One high budget, one low.

I agree with others though - take your time and take the opportunity to get out and see some NSXs first hand, most owners are friendly and happy to give you a lot of great insight about the vehicles.

Good luck!

Thanks - I saw those while looking around the other day. I'm not in the market just yet, but sometimes I like to pretend I am, haha.

I think I'll try to do that next C&C that gets organized in DFW (and fits my schedule). I really have wanted to get a better perspective on it than pictures and a glance in Vegas.

I have 2 for sale will even take payments LOL as long as you carry full coverage.

but welcome and I hope you find one and make your dream a reality


check this site out

its the used NSX buyer guide


Interesting link, Shawn. Thanks for that.

Unfortunately, I don't think the salvage NSX's are going to be available options - I've seen the work you did, which is unparalleled, however I do wish for it to truly be an untarnished car. Sorry :(
Green/tan is my favorite combo but silver/silver is close behind. Just exterior, I like more MCB, MP, and the yellows. The only color combo I slightly dislike is the red/ black.

Good thing you had the word "slightly" in there. Otherwise, we'd have to rumble. :biggrin:

Seriously, welcome to the disease. It's an addiction and we are welcome addicts.
Welcome Clark. You will find the hunt for the NSX is lots of fun. I could not imagine an NSX owner that is not aware of Prime. Like you, I found Prime before I found my car. It was here that gave me 100% confidence that the NSX was right for me.

When you are ready, just ask here about a specific car and you will get tons of help.

Shawn, thank you for the link. Great info.
Clark, who cares if you discovered the NSX playing Forza :cool: Throughout my life video games helped me discover just about every car I and allowed me to own (although in a virtual world) just about every car I ever wanted until the day came where I could actually obtain one.

When I used top play Gran Turismo back in the day, I think I owned 7-10 NSXs and at least 50 other cars. Test Drive, Gran Turismo, Need for Speed, you name it. :biggrin::biggrin:

Welcome to the board, you will find your car if you want it bad enough. Just be patient.