Hello from HOuston

19 September 2009
Glad to be here and be part of this forum. I'm looking forward to onwing an NSX one of these days, but for now the search goes on. :frown:
Hey Tim...Guess what...We finally got a bit of sunshine up here in Chatt. but more rain for this weekend. Was able to get the car out of the garage and drive around the block yesterday...finally. How 'bout you? Are you going to any of the FedEx cup playoffs?
Hey GoFast!

Been driving to work last three days this week - yippeeee! Yes I've got tickets to tomorrow of all days when it's supposed to rain again. Geez! But we've got rain gear and umbrellas and we're gonna tough it out! Come hell or high water; we'll be there! See if El Tigre can do it or Stricker or Zach, etc. will jerk it out from under him.

I'll be watching the replay tonight. How bout you. Shoot man you're not far from here; should have gotten tickets and called me we could have all gone together.
Thanks for the warm welcome guys. I'm still in the hunt for my NSX. For now here's a pic of my current project:

How did you get the picture- it looks like the hood is either glass or trick photography????? Pretty cool.

Looks like you will be a modding type and so you might as well get one that's older and you can do all kinds of stuff to it. Since you'll be spending a lot of bucks anyhow unless you want the targa.