Hello from across the pond

2 August 2009
Hi Everyone,

I have browsed these forums for a while so I though it was about time I registered. I am another member from the UK (NSXCB.co.uk). It's great to see some of the mods you guys come up with, and as you probably know, us over here buy a lot stuff for our NSX's from the US.

Hi Jim.

Welcome. I had my first NSX when I lived in Glasgow. If you know of it, please let me know. It was a black on black with the number plate 111NSX.


Hello Jim-
Welcome to the forum!! Please post a pic of your NSX!

HI , Yeah I'll post some as soon as I can.

Hi Jim.

Welcome. I had my first NSX when I lived in Glasgow. If you know of it, please let me know. It was a black on black with the number plate 111NSX.



The only black/black car I know of in Scotland it the one that has had a Turbo conversion. Not sure if it was your old one, I'll try and find out.
Holla,,,, Scotland in the house:biggrin: Hows' the yard?:wink:
Jim, born and bread a Lancashire man, Rochdale, Nr Manchester. My favorite cartoon character of all time is Mutley. Somehow I think we will get along!! Welcome to the wild world of NSX prime membership. I'm by no means a Vet rather a frequent watcher/reader over the site. Regards...Andrew

p.s. all the "Scotch"man I know are ugly and a pain so I know you must be a Scotsman!!.......
Welcome Jim,

I'm a new member as well and familiar with Scotland as I've been over twice. Played some golf over there. Beautiful country and wonderful people; super friendly, visited the Scotland Games- spent some time up around Findhorn. Been to Edinburgh and out to Gullane #1, great course as was the Old Course in the old grey town.

Hope you enjoy your NSX and the site. Lots of good guys here and a lot of help available.

Atlanta, GA
Welcome Jim!

Im a member over on your side as well. You guys have a fantastic forum and Im sure youll find the same here.