Hello from a not-yet-NSX-owning newbie

11 February 2013
Carson City, NV
Figured I should introduce myself, I've been playing with cars for quite a while and now that we've got some of the "adult" things like a house sorted out, we're shopping for a "nice" car again. I've had to sell my last "nice" car last year (an '88 911 that was parked on the wrong continent) and I've always liked the looks and the engineering behind the NSX. Actually I nearly bought one before I bought that 911 so this time I figured I'll go and look at a couple more NSXs before I take the "easy" route and end up with another Germanic vehicle with the engine hanging out the back :smile:.

While it's not SoCal up here, the weather and climate are fortunately nice enough so we are able to drive "nice" cars almost year round. Got to take advantage of that after living in the UK for 12 years :D.
Nothing worthwhile is ever "easy".:wink: Welcome and enjoy the thrill of the hunt!
Welcome .. I don't know how long you've been on the site, but one of the resources that you'll want to familiarize yourself with is the NSX Wiki which you can find on the red action bar at the top of most pages. It even has a section on Purchasing an NSX as well as sections on modifications, DIY, etc. I presume you're aware that they discontinued prod'n in 2005 and some parts are starting to get harder to find .. but you'll find lots of satisfied owners and quite a few with over 100k miles .. mine is currently at 185k. Just remember when looking to buy .. that the availability of maintenance records are an asset. The major service interval (timing belt, etc) is around 7 years and 90k miles (depending on year) whichever is less and lots of people skip it from a time perspective because it has low miles ,. so you may be faced with some early maintenance costs. There aren't a lot of incidents of timing belt failure beyond the 7 yr mark but it if does, you're looking at a very expensive engine rebuild.
Good luck with the search.
Thanks for the welcome. I've actually been lurking for a few years by now so I'm pretty familiar with the site.

I've already encountered the "we haven't got around to the major service yet" type cars so thanks for the warning on that one.