Hello and thanks in advance

16 January 2007
Fort Collins, CO
Hello, I'm a new member to this forum, and I've been following it and other posts for a while and am preparing to shop for an NSX this spring. I'm impressed by the generous sharing of advice and support. One topic I haven't seen posts on is, does anyone know how to tell for sure that a car WASN'T in New Orleans during the Katrina disaster? The obvious concern is hidden water damage, especially to the engine and transmission. The last car I purchased on the internet from afar was in Hawaii during Katrina (verified by registration and shipping info to the mainland) so I didn't worry about it. Any ideas would be welcome.
R :wink:
- seeking a '97-'03 3.2 litre 6spd Manual with Tan interior, prefer stock

Welcome to the site!

I'd imagine an experienced mechanic would be able to uncover any past flood damage during a pre-purchase inspection (PPI). Just ask the mechanic performing the PPI to look for signs.

The percentage of NSXs affected is so small, I would not even worry about filtering out "Katrina cars" while you're still searching. Once you find an NSX that seems to meet your criteria, do the PPI. You'd want to do the PPI anyway if you're buying sight unseen. Check out the other topics in this forum for PPI info. Good luck.
He posts a good question.
I guess anybody who is keeping their car from the flood and repairing it themselves would not be posting about it.
Others that have insurance claims should, opps or it would be nice if they posted the vins from the cars they once owned.
Just my thoughts.
I saw this a while back..it may help..from National Insurance Crime Bureau

"“By creating a registry of damaged vehicles that consumers can access when purchasing a used car, the potential for this type of fraud can be greatly reduced,” said Robert M. Bryant, president and CEO of the NICB.

The NICB has compiled a database of vehicles affected by Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma, which offers a free search of any car’s vehicle identification number (VIN), so used-car buyers can learn more about the history of the car and whether it has been involved in a claim related to Hurricane Katrina. Consumers can access this service from the NICB home page ( http://www.nicb.org ).
I saw this a while back..it may help..from National Insurance Crime Bureau

"“By creating a registry of damaged vehicles that consumers can access when purchasing a used car, the potential for this type of fraud can be greatly reduced,” said Robert M. Bryant, president and CEO of the NICB.

The NICB has compiled a database of vehicles affected by Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma, which offers a free search of any car’s vehicle identification number (VIN), so used-car buyers can learn more about the history of the car and whether it has been involved in a claim related to Hurricane Katrina. Consumers can access this service from the NICB home page ( http://www.nicb.org ).

Nice, Great Job, This one is a Keeper!