Hello Again..I'm still not over this beauty its still new to me!

10 February 2005
Greensboro, NC
Well after owning the NSX for over a year now, the lines are still so crisp so amazing this car is pure sex, like my ex girlfriend used to call it a N-SEX, although some lines have been altered in my cars case; neverthless it is an amazing piece of machinery that still drops jaws being a 1994 vehicle.
Don't the rear tires wear out fast enough without doing burnouts? The car looks nice, what have you done to the motor?
Xluder said:
Well after owning the NSX for over a year now, the lines are still so crisp so amazing this car is pure sex, like my ex girlfriend used to call it a N-SEX, although some lines have been altered in my cars case; neverthless it is an amazing piece of machinery that still drops jaws being a 1994 vehicle.

Amen brother, big 2nd on that.
Either your head gasket is shot or your engine has'nt elected a new Pope yet:tongue: :wink: I know I know he is only doing a smoky burnout in the drive way of his developement:confused:
docjohn said:
Either your head gasket is shot or your engine has'nt elected a new Pope yet:tongue: :wink: I know I know he is only doing a smoky burnout in the drive way of his developement:confused:

Interesting... I couldn't get one wheel to spin by itself like that on my NSX... My NSX has a limited slip differential...

I don't think those tyre marks on the road are from the NSX... I think the photo is staged with fake smoke and the NSX has parked on tyre marks left by another (not NSX) car!

Unless he trully has blown the motor...
I only hope that is a fake picture- either that or total mistake doing anything like that in a residential area. Something 16 year olds do in daddy's car when they sneak the keys.
LOL... go easy on him. He loves his NSX and that's all that it matters.

I have to agree with you, doing a burnout on the street is in my opinion 100 times less dumb than dozen of NSX streetrace kill stories that are posted on this forum in the last.
Just look at the picture for its artistic value, nothing staged no blown motor. As for it being immature sometimes we all can be spontaneous. I just love the car and how it looks in the picture and tires? If we can afford a NSX who cares about tires?
And for the ones that are really offended, is this better, no donuts were hurt in either incident or any innocent bystanders? :eek:
Xluder said:
..nothing staged no blown motor.

The only way you can get an NSX to do a "burnout" with only one rear wheel like the photo shows is if the differential is stuffed!

So either the photo is fake or there is something wrong with your car!
Geez, let's stay on topic! And to that, I say amen brother! After two years of ownership, I still park my NSX in a strategic location on a lot just so I have a long walk with clear line of sight to take it all in as I return to the car.

(But you are banned from driving my NSX:wink: )
Shaun Ray said:
Geez, let's stay on topic!
No offence... But I think commenting on a photo that the thread initiator posted IS on topic! Including criticizing any actions which may be unsafe or even breaking the law!
Come to think of it, do NA1's have LSD's or is it a one wheel wonder kind of deal in that situation?

After all of my research i dont think i ever considered the LSD question. If they dont, you can just add a gilken right?
hahahahaah-- why did I see all the flame coming as soon as I opened this post!! Everyone needs to just settle down-- haha..

I Love that pic- who cares what the neighbors think!! Drive it like its stolen.. Maybe I can start some flaming now too-- I smoke in my X.. LOL hahahhaaha:wink: :eek: :tongue:
AU-NSX why dont u try doing it sometime before you do all the research, dont worry it won't break....GOLDNSX no vin cuz this NSX is going straight to the junkyard or with me to the grave...lol....and ya plz lighten up no one died it was a while ago, my friend wanted to take a pic and I personally thought it came out awesome....bottom line!:smile:
da3dalus said:
Come to think of it, do NA1's have LSD's or is it a one wheel wonder kind of deal in that situation?

After all of my research i dont think i ever considered the LSD question. If they dont, you can just add a gilken right?

Yes ALL NSX's have a LSD! See here

Like many conventional LSD (Limited Slip Differential) systems, this unit resists the rotational speed difference between the rear wheels and attempts to maintain the same rate of rotation at both wheels.
So it is impossible for an NSX to do a burnout with just one wheel if the LSD functioning normally!

Xluder said:
AU-NSX why dont u try doing it sometime before you do all the research, dont worry it won't break....
Well it seems you have managed to break yours!
AU_NSX said:
Yes ALL NSX's have a LSD! See here

So it is impossible for an NSX to do a burnout with just one wheel if the LSD functioning normally!

Well it seems you have managed to break yours!

Ok buddy, thanks otherwise I wouldve had to pay Acura about a $100 to diagnose it......I appreciate it...and nice flotation devices in your engine bay, does yours float too Einstein?
