Heel and Toeing?

15 October 2002
West Vancouver
I have to say Im frustrated trying to H/T in my NSX. The pedals just dont work for me. The brake is too high, the gas, too low, and it just messes me up!

Anyone else frustrated by this?

montoya said:
oh no..

first the doors,

then the tires..

now no heal toe..

i shun to think what's next..

Co'mmon Simon.

Yes it is rediculus that my 02 NSX didnt come with keyless entry. An alarm, which Im going to get, will fix that.

Yes, tire wear seems to be horrific. Not a big deal IMO as I will probably get a full summer out of new rubber. I am certain that I overestimated the remaining tread to begin with (at 50%, I bet it was 25%).

Heel and toe seems to be a challenge for me with the placement of the pedals (mainly their height). Others can do it, I will probably just have to adjust to be able to do it also.

Whats next that will dissapoint me with my NSX? Probably that I live too close to downtown and thus my drive home, today, will be faarrrrr to brief.
I had the same problem with my NSX. At first I thought I was simply uncoordinated and that my feet are too large - size 11. However, when I looked more closely at the pedals, it seemed to me that the accelerator pedal was too far in relative to the brake pedal. A friend of mine who races cars had special pedals in his Integra which had a large accelerator pedal flush with the brake pedal. All you have to do is tip the right side of your foot and it hits the accelerator. Taking my cue from this, I found a set of pedals at a local automotive shop. I used only the accelerator pedal. You don't replace the pedal. Instead, you screw it directly into the old pedal. The pedals came with self-tapping screws. I had to drill a couple of small holes first, which was a bit of work because you have to do it in a very confined space. Then, you simply screw the new pedal on to the old one. This brought the accelerator pedal almost flush with the brake pedal. Before long I was heeling and toeing. The pedal has stayed screwed in with no problems. The only thing to be careful about is not to hit the accelerator unintentionally when braking normally.

Best of luck.

Try to get at some of the best motoring videos of the NSX on a track. Observe how those drivers do their Heel&Toe shifts. The heel, from what I can see is almost never on the floor.

I tried it like that for a while and then actually got used to a more exaggerated angle (The angle my bent foot makes with the vertical). I find it infinitely more easy to do Heel Toes on my NSX than the prelude. The stiffer pedal feel helps in that.

Try it that way and see if you get used to the exaggerated angles involved. After that the regular version (with the heel on the floor) might works better for you as well.

You should have told me yesterday, I'm sure we could have figured it out. See now I should have driven it to Knee's :)

If i was going to change the peddles, I'd go see Albert for those Mugen ones. They have a really nice friction pad.
hmmm... :confused:
i love heel & toeing in my 91, i think the stock pedals are in the perfect position, i can brake and match the revs perfectly with the stock pedals... and i wear size 11's....
i doubt the 02 pedals are different, but maybe they are Dave??
My gas pedal is a ways deeper than the brake. It makes it virtually impossible to get to the gas using the same foot, unless I move the foot over or unless the brake is fully pressed.
Dog_Man said:
You should have told me yesterday, I'm sure we could have figured it out. See now I should have driven it to Knee's :)

If i was going to change the peddles, I'd go see Albert for those Mugen ones. They have a really nice friction pad.

Yes you should have. Then I could have had a nap :D

Im not sure theres much to figure out; the pedal is physically too deep. After I get all the near term madness with the car done, Ill check out pedals to see if theyll cure these ills.