Heeeeey Sac Guys!

5 December 2009
Roseville, CA
Its me Bryan, some of u met me at that little Lollicup get together last month. Well im heading back into town and was wondering if there was something scheduled that i missed, or if u feel like adding something between June 4th and 12th. I would like to meet up and maybe go on a drive this time... idk.

Let me know whatcha think, Thanks!
-Bryan (91 Silver/Blk Widebody)
I live fairly close to the range so I take city streets/roads to get there but others may be meeting up to caravan there.

I think I am going to pass on the Reno thing since the roads are pretty rough from all the snow chains. Not to mention the way the weather has been lately there might still be lots of snow up there. :P