Heater Pipe & Radiator plug part questions


Experienced Member
Tech Expert
15 May 2005
Knoxville, TN
Question 1:

I note in the parts reference that "heater pipe A" aka 79741-SL0-A02, aka: the aluminium pipe on which the heater loop bleed nipple sits. Has two possible parts.

A '91/92 apparently, like mine, have an open nipple with a rubber cap and hose clamp.
A '93 has an actual bleeder screw fitting.

Since they have the same part number, am I safe assuming they are interchangeable?

I, and I'm sure my battery, would strongly prefer the one with the proper bleeder fitting if it's possible.

Question 2:

I note that it's impossible to burp the radiator without making an atrocious mess. Is there any type of bleed fitting for the radiator to allow a hose to be attached?
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They are interchangable. Very strange. I have NEVER seen two parts that are different have the same number:)

I've made the same experience.

header pipe plus rubber cap plus hose clamp
there is a small sticker with part number on it

new header pipe with bleeding screw has sticker

Honda part in both cases is 79741-SL0-A02

Someone has a picture from this newer water piper with bleeding screw for LHD?
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Well, thanks to another Prime member, I can confirm that they are definitely interchangeable.

Anyone have any ideas on the radiator plug? I've looked around for adapters or something similar but haven't had any luck.

On my MR2, the radiator has a plastic screw similar to the one on the NSX, but rather than just being a plug, it acts as a valve for a hose barb. So you just put a length of hose on there, hang it from the hood or elevate it in a container and bleed away without needing a mop afterwards.

It would make sense that one could thread a valve assembly like this into the existing hole, but it does not seem that such a thing exists. I may end up doing a little hardware store browsing.