Healthy Happy New Year to All

15 January 2003
Rye Brook, NY, USA
Just wanted to take this opportunity to wish everyone the healthiest, happiest and safest New Years. We need to be thankfull for what we have, and appreciate each day for the gift that it is!!! Now let's get the info on the dinner for the 19th and see everyone there to extend our wishes to eachother in person!!!
Hi Roger;

Very well put we all have a lot to be thankful for; Would I ever have drempt that the $2000 I put in to an IRA the 1st year they came to be would
have manfested it self to buy me an NSX.. It was found money 35 years later.

Oh by the way Im leaving on the 2nd for the party - I want to be early..

Regards Clem & lori:biggrin:
Have a safe and enjoyable new year celebration.We will be fighting to stay awake! we wish good things for all in 08.
You telling me what kind of New Year to have?

Wish you the happiest New Year. I am so glad that I have not been blocked by "the donkey".