Health Care "knowledge"

14 August 2004
Burnaby, BC, Canada
Does anyone really care about health ???

Do you know something you use or do everyday causes Cancer or other serious Disease ?

I'll post some useful news for everyone once or twice a week. If you do care about your health, this might help you ;)

Post 1.

The clinicians discover that taking hot shower for more than 13 minutes might cause Cancer. The reason is Chloride. Skin will absorb the chloride (since they add chlride in waterwork to kill bacteria). *** There is an experiment you can test and see skin absorb chloride immidiately. First take 2 glasses of water and for one use your fingers to stir in the water. Then use "OTO" ( to test the Chlodide in both of glasses. You will see the one you use fingers to stir is clear with no golden color; and another one is golden color ***

Using OTO is to test how much Chloride does water contained.
Dark Golden ----------> No color (clear)
Lots of Chloride -------> no chloride

Hope it really helps :)
I for one will need to see research done on this. Otherwise, I will just take it with a grain of salt. The link provided in your post is from a hot tub company. As we know, most will say just about anything to sell their product.

Unless the research is published by a reputable journal like New England Journal of Medicine or Journal of the American Medical Association, I won't be holding my breath.
since the body normaly has chloride in the blood stream (in fact it is a vital electrolyte to avoid cardiac instability, as well as used in the kidney for reclamation and excretion of other ions), i doubt that this would be a major problem. Besides, what of the chloride ions in all other facets of life, i.e. sodium chloride, er... table salt?
Jeanie@NA2_NSX-R said:
Does anyone really care about health ???

Do you know something you use or do everyday causes Cancer or other serious Disease ?

I'll post some useful news for everyone once or twice a week. If you do care about your health, this might help you ;)

Post 1.

The clinicians discover that taking hot shower for more than 13 minutes might cause Cancer. The reason is Chloride. Skin will absorb the chloride (since they add chlride in waterwork to kill bacteria). *** There is an experiment you can test and see skin absorb chloride immidiately. First take 2 glasses of water and for one use your fingers to stir in the water. Then use "OTO" ( to test the Chlodide in both of glasses. You will see the one you use fingers to stir is clear with no golden color; and another one is golden color ***

Using OTO is to test how much Chloride does water contained.
Dark Golden ----------> No color (clear)
Lots of Chloride -------> no chloride

Hope it really helps :)

Yes, and imagine the countless malignant cancerous tumors that must be growing and festering in all of those animals that live in the ocean and thus are exposed to salt (read: sodium chloride) water 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for their entire lives.

Please leave health and health care to those who actually know something about it. I'm sorry for the tone of my post, but it really bothers me when people propagate this type of garbage as being fact.
SCS2k said:
Please leave health and health care to those who actually know something about it. I'm sorry for the tone of my post, but it really bothers me when people propagate this type of garbage as being fact.

hmmm, uhhh- yeah wut he sez... grrr! :mad:
Jeanie, I don't think there's anything wrong with your interest in your own health. More people should take an interest. Perhaps the tone of your thread is the reason for the flames. There's also nothing wrong with wanting better quality of water for yourself. You could always look into a whole house filtration system. I'm not sure I really believe that the ole 10min shower is gonna do me in.... this is coming from a person who has a 25,000 gallon tub of chlorine in my back yard.;-)

Probably one of the best things you can do for your own health is routine exercise. Only about 10% of people truly exercise, most will tell you they walk around alot at work... that just doesn't count unless you are getting your heart rate up tp 70% of your max predicted heart rate and maintaining that for at least 20 minutes 4 days a week.

There are so many benefits to routine exercise and last I checked heart disease is still the number 1 killer here in north america.