
This topics has been discussed a ton of time. Suggest you using the search function for every bit of advice under the sun. But before your look the news is good for you tall 'uns.....
pretty harsh LOL

yes the click the search button under forums and then type away.

they offer smaller seat cushions different style seats. etc. etc.

but welcome to Prime.

don't ask about which is better an Automatic tranny or Manual or you will need a fire proof suit.
As stated, search button. Though to be fair, I made a similar post before I purchased my NSX. I am 6'7" and rock stock seat cushions in my 1998 targa. If you like a car enough, you will make it work.

Sorry to give "the obvious answer" but the only way you will know if it "fits" is if you sit in one. Height is "relative" and comfort levels will vary depending if you are short torsoed/long legged or long torsoed/short legs or any variation in between.
Take the drivers seat cushion out, cut 2 pieces of rebond carpet pad to fit the seat frame, cover it with some soft leather or vinyl and your good to go - I'm 6'2" and it worked for me).
Happy Motoring!
Don't count on fitting that well unless you have no torso. I am 6'1" tall and barely fit in the car. I would think 6'3" would be right on the edge of what can fit in there. This car was not designed with large American people in mind. Lets put it this way. There is more head room in a Lotus Exige. In fact the Lotus has probably 2" extra.
It all depends on your torso to leg ratio. I am 6'3" and fit in a targa, with the roof in place. A coupe will give you a little more head room. Your best bet is to find someone local and try one on.
I am 5'10" and fit the car with about 2" of headroom to spare. When wearing a helmet, which most track events require, I found that moving the seat rearward and slouching in my seat was necessary. The point is to make any seat adjustments with a helmeted driver in mind if you anticipate tracking your NSX. Good luck with your NSX!
As stated, search button. Though to be fair, I made a similar post before I purchased my NSX. I am 6'7" and rock stock seat cushions in my 1998 targa. If you like a car enough, you will make it work.


Dude, just rip out your ass cushion like i did lol. You can make it work uncomfortably or take out the cushion and make it feel nice. I got like 3 inches out of that mod. Then bought black vinal and traced the seat and made a cover so u didnt see the silver frame of the seat.
ripping the seat cushion out is not a permanant solution I am afraid. I looked into since I wear a helmet too. I did adjust my bottom cushion and cut some foam out to make it fit better. Here is something I didn't consider with the low headroom. I was at a track and a Porsche owner friend explained that if you are really close to hitting your head on the roof with your helmet it is just unsafe. He was a doctor too. He said that the compression of hitting your head on the roof can compress your spine and cause some major damage. Not very good I am afraid. That is in the situation I am in. I hate to say it but this car was designed from the Asian developer perspective. 5'10" tall is the ideal size for the car.
Dude, just rip out your ass cushion like i did lol. You can make it work uncomfortably or take out the cushion and make it feel nice. I got like 3 inches out of that mod. Then bought black vinal and traced the seat and made a cover so u didnt see the silver frame of the seat.

I drive it quite often, even a 1000 mile road trip in a day without issue. I have custom reupholstered seats so tearing out a seat cushion would look terrible. I don't really fit in any sports car... I've just gotten used to it.
