Headroom post-where is it?

6 June 2003
Phoenix, AZ
I saw a post somewhere about headroom problems and did not look at it but need to find it now---I have Sparco seats that came with the 93 NSX I bought--you cannot adjust the back of the seat but can slide the seats back & forth.. I barely have enough head room..I am thinking about going to stock seats but maybe I will have even more of a problem? I am 6' 2" approx. Anyone know where I saw this discussion? Jim Rehner
Whether stock will be better will depend on the model of Sparco and how they are mounted. Since they do not have back rake adjustment, then I am guessing they are one of the race type buckets. If they are bottom mounts, you are limited to changing the actual mounts (i.e., removing the sliders) or changing to thinner padding.

If they are side mounts, you probably have some adjustment at the rear to lower just the rear part, which will give you more headroom. You could also try different side mounts or drill new holes in the side mount to get the seat close to floor. I am 6'3" with a long torso, and I am tight with the stock seats. I fit much better with the seat cushion removed and a thinner cushion in its place.

Most of the "race" type seats are about as thin on the bottom as you can get, but they can still be mounted poorly to take away that head room.
Thank you

Thank you all--I just did not go far enough back in time to find the prior posts...think I have the Sparco roadster seats--the cushions within the seat all have velco attachments and can be removed. Got the 3 point club belts...and only have the universal slider no tilt or side mounts...Looks like I could go back to stock seats and tilt back the seat a little or remove cushion material and fit easily--I think Basch Acura typically is working on an NSX and could probably sit in one of those to check out....----thank you all again for your help