
2 October 2001
I needed new headphones for working out at the gym. Earplugs don't cut it -- they keep falling out and flying around when i'm getting into the punching bag! lol :D

So I impulse-bought some Sony street-style headphones.

<IMG SRC="http://www.sony.com.au/objects/200x133/image1345.jpg">


Now i'm wondering if i did the right thing. They seem a little big; though quite comfortable. I could still use them for home.

I just want something small & discreet, good bass, minimal leakage, and comfortable to wear. Oh, if they act as a chick-magnet, bonus. :D

Any smaller recommendations out there?
I agree with Zuerst, those headphones are the greatest! Who would ever have guessed that old technology (remember older airline headsets?!!!) could be revived and improved to work so well! I run every other day and these are perfect because they also fit nicely in your ears and not soak up any of the sweat (not to gross anyone out!)
I've narrowed my search down to two headphones

Sony Fontopia MDR-EX71SL and Shure E2c.

They are both the same in-the-ear style. The Shure costs over twice the Sony. Price aside, which are better. Has anyone had experience with the Shure?

mikec said:
I've narrowed my search down to two headphones

Sony Fontopia MDR-EX71SL and Shure E2c.

They are both the same in-the-ear style. The Shure costs over twice the Sony. Price aside, which are better. Has anyone had experience with the Shure?


www.head-fi.org is a good place for headphone advices... I have both the MDR-EX70 and EX71, and I think they sound fine for my purpose (running, jogging, working out, commute...etc). A lot of people at Head-Fi thinks that the EX71 sounds muddy and the bass is over-emphasized (I think it sounds just fine, definitly better than your average $20-$30 off the shelf headphones) but you have to know that a lot of people there buys $500+ headphone (some even $3000+ ones) and put in just as much for headphone amps, upgrade cables, players...etc.
Zuerst said:

These things are absolutely badass. I have both the older model and the current model. The only thing I don't like about the newer model is that the extension plug thing...

Not to go off topic here, but I was wondering who is the girl in your profile picture?

As far as headphone, get the phone that go into your ear with a cone-like config instead of the ones that hang there. I always loop them around the ear once and they won't fall out for nothing.