Headlights up and on won’t go off

2 August 2011
new jersey
Went to take the car out for a quick spin only to find that the battery was dead. Then noticed that the pop ups were up. After jumping the car the lights remained up and on under the high beam mode. They won’t turn off or go down. For now I disconnected the battery. Any ideas on this one? It’s a 2000 and I had just gotten it detailed. Maybe he hit a button or shorted something.
At the risk of being obvious, is the headlight door actuator switch just below the instrument cluster pushed in? That will cause the headlight doors to stay open although it won't cause the high beams to be on. The 'passing' function in the lighting switch causes the headlight doors to open and the high beams to come on. If the detailing person got over enthusiastic with whatever detailing goo they were spreading around it might have worked its way into the switch shorting the switch contacts causing it to stay in the operated mode. Its also possible that the switch got wacked causing it to stay in the operated mode. The service manual indicates that it is a momentary contact switch so under normal circumstances it should not stay closed.