The left headlight connector has died. I inspected it and one of the connector pins is just floating without the plastic to ensure a direct connection.
Anyhow, I'm wondering what Acura charges for this part and whether or not I could get them to put it on while I'm there for no charge. I figure it could be as easy as pushing wires through 2 holes. On the other hand, it could require some unique tool that I don't have and they may want to charge me $80:smile:
Anybody ever replaced a headlight connector? I'm going to the dealer today to see if they have any.
Anyhow, I'm wondering what Acura charges for this part and whether or not I could get them to put it on while I'm there for no charge. I figure it could be as easy as pushing wires through 2 holes. On the other hand, it could require some unique tool that I don't have and they may want to charge me $80:smile:
Anybody ever replaced a headlight connector? I'm going to the dealer today to see if they have any.