head lights

1 November 2004
I am having troubles with my headlights. They pop up but will not go down so i have to manually pop them down. Any help? Thanks Guys
Do they pop up with the light switch and the manual switch and still not go down with either switch? If no to only one switch, then there is a wiring problem with that switch. Also try turning on the ignition and then activate your high beam switch with the lights being turned off. This should pop the headlights up, the lights go on and when you release the lever, they should pop back down. If no to all switches then you may have a bad retractable headlight control unit which is located behind the seats in the center area. Look at page 23-174 of the manual for this unit and it's troubleshooting tests. Also check the fuses in the front. There are two retractor motor fuses (L & R) and they may have blown. Doubt both would have though. There is also a L & R retractor relay which provides the power to the motors but these relays are controlled by the retractor contorl unit. Sections 23-168 throught 23-174 cover this area in the manual.. Good luck.