Having Computer Problems, Need Help!!!

4 February 2000
Chicago IL
My Windows 98 computer is having problems. I can get into some applications (obviously, including IE as well as Excel) but I cannot open others, which just hang there (including Outlook and Windows Explorer). I can't even open My Computer; it just hangs there with the hourglass. I tried rebooting with no success. Any suggestions on how to proceed?
Incidentally, I have been using McAfee Anti-Virus, so the presence of a virus is unlikely. However, now I can't get McAfee to do a full system scan, either (as part of this problem).
I can boot into normal Windows mode.

The only thing that changed was that I installed a Windows Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1
Hmmm... Now I can get into My Computer and McAfee. I'm going to scan my computer for viruses first, then see if everything else is back to normal... :confused:
If you are still having trouble with applications hanging (especially your virus scanning software), try doing some diagnostics and a virus scan in safe mode, could just be you have something loading at startup.

Also hit safemode, run MSCONFIG and uncheck most of your startup stuff to see if it something new that is just hanging stuff up when you head in to Normal Mode.

Good Luck -

Sure does sound like a virus to me Ken. I like the msconfig idea, I usually recommend folks go into the start up menu in msconfig and write down which programs should be running when they first get their computer. That way when things go south it's quite easy to go in and turn the virus off. MOST virus's can be turned off there... not all. Sometimes it's a spyware issue.

I've been running zonealarm for years on my win 98 machine and never had a problem with a virus. For spyware I run ad-aware and it's companion program ad-watch.

good luck
Try downloading Spy Sweeper. It seems to be really good at getting rid of adware that other ad programs i have used seem to miss.

Then get rid of win98 and go to 2000! Win 98 is awful! I am having to use it at work and I hate it!
Well, I tried scanning my computer. It got through about 90 percent of my files (didn't find anything) and then hung. It takes too long to do it again now, during the day; I'll try it again when I don't need to be using my computer for a while.

In the meantime, things seem to be working now. :confused:

Thanks for all the suggestions. I'll let you know if it happens again...
Ken, use these online scanners. I like the first one especially.
Don't be afraid when you have to let trendmicro download a small file to your computor, its just the way it works.
Also get yourself spybot search and destroy 1.3 here
It picks up on the spyware and lets you delete what you want.
Also get yourself Norton system works 2004 pro.
It detects alot of the new stuff coming down on the net.
Also has great system programs within to keep windows working smooth and fast.
Just loaded it up on 6 computors at work and home up from the 2003 version.
We stay away from McAfee here.
Any questions just pm
p.s. when you do your windows updates on line. Just get the security updates. Don't work about the others unless you see something you really need. And of course its best to use Drivers updated from the original source that your hardware is from. Like get ati video drivers from the ati site not from microsoft. Trev out!
this might be obvious, but is your hard disk full? or almost full? (try and keep about 10% of the total disk space free)
If it's spyware, use spybot and then HiJack This! if that dosen't work.

either way, the easiest way to fix this is to:
-back up all your files
-format the drive
-reinstall windows
-copy any important files back

It'll be like new again. Windows (especially 95 & 98!) seems to slowly self-destruct after a few years, I've found.

EDIT: Since you said it started after installation of the .NET framework, boot into safe mode and uninstall it.
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I have to go with others on this one ...sounds like virus...and the other suggestions are really great...

I don't really know too much about windows 98 task manager

for newer operating systems I run the task manager to see what proceses are using up the cpu resources..(system idle process should be in the 90s any other process should be alot less ) If you find a process that is quite high (cpu usage 80 and up )that you are not using then i would end that process. Then try to open up more programs on your computer..
I would have to politely disagree with the posts regarding how horrible windows 98 is. Win 98 second edition is actually a very stable operating system. There were several significant improvements between 98 and 98 SE. Win 98 can run with minimul programs in the background. You can narrow the programs down to about 9 processes to free up system resources. XP will be running at least 3 times as many background programs.

One advantage to 98 is that the majority of viruses that are written currently are for newer os's like XP. You probably heard a few months ago about the patch for xp as they left the back door open for a virus.

For me, macintosh has always THE most stable operating system out there.
nsxtasy said:
It's about 40 percent free.
I used to have similar problems. First time was a damaged disk (bad sectord on surface, any scan disk tool can look into this), second time it was some bus cable that wasn't plugged right after adding hardware.