Have i killed my rear axle?

28 November 2009
I have a noise and vibration coming from the rear of the car, took a look under the car, no cv boot.

Likely culprit.

So i was hoping cleaning the knuckle, re packing with grease and fitting a new boot would resolve the issue.

That is until i thought i would check how much play i had.

Would you agree i have shafted my shaft? :tongue:

I hear the splines and knuckle are tough as nails. the likely culprit is most likely to be the tripod or bearings, is this correct?

Before thinking about worst case (the transmission), jack the car up enough to get under there and hold the end of the shaft still at the trans, then have someone repeat the test of play at the tire. In any case, I doubt some cleaning and new grease in the CV joint will help.:frown:
Don't scare me like this... really hope it's not the transmission.

I have the carbon plate ATS 1.5 way LSD and their final drive.

I performed the same test while under the car and the play is in the knuckle and the clonking sounds like it's coming from the knuckle. So when you turn the wheel there is that much play in the knuckle until it bites and turns the knuckle along with the shaft.

I found out that my tripod and bearings are different to what they should be on the shaft, it has been rebuilt previously. Clearly not very well. Seeing the design i can imagine that's where the sound and play is coming from. I can only hope. When rebuilt this time, i've ordered the parts so should be back to OEM spec. it looks like the normal tripod but has round disks on each of the 3 rods instead of a square bearing design.

Good to hear the tranny is okay!

I suspected the tranny because I had seen a video like yours previously, which showed the result of stripped gear teeth on a 4.55 ring and pinion. I'm guessing your CV has been making noise for some time, but if you've got a loud enough exhaust you may not have noticed it until you felt it? Or did it get that bad suddenly?

BTW, I did a little searching and found your ATS could be had with 4.235 or 4.429 R&P.