Have a laugh (at my expense :-)

2 October 2001
Hope you find this amusing... I'm 25 and today i FINALLY got my license!!! Woohoo!!!

In Australia we have a 'Learner's system... so i've been driving for the past 6 years, but you've gotta be accompanied by a fully licensed driver. Now i can hit the road on my own.
No more picking up chicks in my Mum's car....

I reckon i'm one in a million -- how many guys would wait till their 25 to get their license?
well i got my license early ..in fact it was as soon as i was able to which was 18....there are some states that allow a driver to be licensed at 16..but i got mine early not only so i could drive but because insurance hitts new drivers a bit hard here in the states .... i wonder what a new driver with a nsx pays for insurance in nyc ?
Don't feel bad.

I'm from the land of $10 dollar drivers (the United States).

In CA, you can drive accompanied by a licensed adult (25 or older) at 16. Fully licensed at 18.

I didn't get my permit at all and went straight to license at 22 1/2!

I learned to drive on the Autobahn and then drove in England.

Then, I got sucked into Jags of all things!

If you don't feel normal yet, Americans drive on the wrong side of the road too!

Hahahaha! There, I hope you feel better now. I certainly don't.
Here in Texas you can get a learners permit at 15 (licensed drive front seet over 18+)and be fully licensed at 16 if you take a drivers education course. If no course you have to wait till 18. They just changed the laws so now after 16 there is a extra learning time.

However at 15 you can get what is called a hardship license which allows you to drive by yourself because of a special need.

92 Red/Blk
Congrats, <font color=red>Neo</font>NSX! Picking up chicks with your Mom in the car, I can just picture it now LOL!

Hey Neo,
Nah, we won't laugh at you. Actually, I bet we are all more happy for you than anything. I hope that your mom's car is an Nsx if you are gonna go pick up chicks though. Or better yet, you can come over to the states and some of us will take you for a ride to pick up chicks. The only problem is that if i take you for a spin and meet a hot girl, having only 2 seats, hmmm...the girl could sit on your lap then, haha.
LOL ... u guyz are funny.

kld12: Better yet... if we met a hot babe, she can sit on your lap and I'll drive!

VampNSX: Carrie-Ann Moss is sortta okay, don't you think?

PHOEN$X: hehehe... i dont have a good comeback, so i'm just gonna say "No, You Da Man!"

Funny thing about going for the test is you have to drive how THEY want you to drive; this required me to break all the habits of gearchanges & using the clutch... and now i have to break my new habits to go back to the correct habits...