I too wanted a Range Rover for a long time. I was looking for a replacement for my old 5 series last fall and couldn't find an E60 exactly like I wanted after almost a year of looking. So I thought about what else I would like. The Range Rover came to mind. I've never been an SUV guy, but just love them every time I see them.
So after looking for 2 weeks I found exactly what I wanted. Picked up an 04 HSE white/tan. This was mid-October last year. Had 77K on it when we bought it from a private seller. Has 82k on it now and has had zero issues. My wife and I both love it. Took it on a 1400 mile road trip over xmas and it performed flawlessly.
Now I know that isn't a long term report, but it's all I have so far. As far as the air suspension. The best suggestion I have, and what I've been doing, is to lock the suspension in the mid level setting. So it won't be automatically lowering/raising itself every time you get on/off the highway. I'd think that would eliminate a lot of use (and a function that I believe they eliminated in later years).
My only complaint is the handling and turning radius, which is just because I'm used to cars. And the fuel economy...again, I expected this, but it still is a bit shocking coming from always driving sedans for DD's.
Anyways, I probably doomed myself for talking good about the truck now.
A pic from when I bought it...since have put the supercharged grille and side vents on it.....also planning on the supercharged tail lights and wheels this spring...modding isn't only for the NSX!

IMG_20111027_180341 by blodi, on Flickr